Chapter 26

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I sat on the ground beside QJ's grave and took out my sandwich and chips. My mom was down here to finalize some things with Alizea and his LSU coaches, so I decided to come and visit.

"Hey QJ. I pray everyday and ask God to watch you up there you know. I also be telling my baby about you. I rub my belly and tell her all the many memories we had together especially growing up. It soothes her when she is kicking the hell out of me. I decided to name her Malani Brielle. You alwaysssss loved the name Malani. You would put Kae, Alizea, and my future baby names to shame when we would lay on floats in the pool all day" I took a bite of my sandwich and closed my eyes as I thought of the memory.

Kaelah and Quincey Junior were in Texas for the summer as usual and we were having one of our usual hangout sessions. It was either watching movies in the theatre or in the pool or we dead ass used to play hide and seek at night like kids. It was always so fun.

This one time though we were discussing our futures in the pool on floats. I was on the donut float. Kae was on the Flamingo float. Zea and QJ just laid on flat floats.

"Yo, I wanna move out here find me a tall dude with morals. I mean I want him to have something going for himself. I dont want no man working fast-food in his late twenties early thirties. I want a kid. Preferably a boy, but if I have a girl first then I want two kids period point blank. If it's a girl or a boy I would name them Kason. But another name for a boy would be like Christopher or Tatum" Kae said.

"Nooo joke I wanna marry Gianna. Have some spanish speaking yungins running around Louisiana unless I get drafted somewhere then ya know wherever I am. I want like three or four of them. I want lil niggas ya dig, Alizea Junior, Christian, Isaac, and Miles and dogs"

"And what if you have daughters smartass" Kae said pushing herself off the wall to move her float.

"Anna, Jordan, Isabella, and Lola"

"Interesting" I said laughing slightly. "What about you QJ?"

"I want to own my own business in Texas or Louisiana. I wanna meet a nice girl. She got to be in her bag aint no imma wait on my nigga to get me things type shit gone be going on. She working and I'm working so we can be successful together" He said causing me to nod my head. He bout his shit. "I want two or three kids. If it's a girl her name gone be Malani hands down. If I have two girls then Malani and Kayleigh. Boys... Malachi and Jackson or Quinton"

"I just want a job where I'm making money. If I get married, thats cool. If I don't get married , that's cool too. I don't know if I want kids yet. Y'all got everything planned out" I said flipping over into the water.

I opened my eyes and wiped away the wet stains. I texted Kae to come get me while I finished my food.


"Amaya down here again" I said telling my therapist. I decided after everything that has happened recently, I needed to talk to someone.

"Oh yeah... Wassgood with that" My therapist was a black dude probably like thirty something. He talk to me and I talk to him like we old friends.

"I mean... I missed her a lil. Like I said before... she was here for me when my son died. She stayed here for like two weeks after he died. She slept in my daughter's bed for a couple days until she fell asleep in mine and we didn't do anything. I just held her ya know"

"Did you wanna do something?"

"I kinda did. I rather her wanna do it with me ya know. I don't wanna bring it up and she kinda turn me down again"

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