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I reserved all rights to everything written in this book except character photos.. All names are fictional as well as character story lines.




January 17th

"Go tell the kids to get up babe" I said to my husband. My husband and I have been together basically since high school. Even tho he was two years older than me we always stayed connected. He went to college in Alabama and played for the Alabama Crimson Tide. I went to dental school in Georgia and now I own my own dentist/orthodontist office here in Dallas, but that's beside the fact.

"Mommy" my 3 years old son came in my room rubbing his eyes.

"Yes baby?" I got out of bed and went over and picked him up. He laid his head back on my shoulder and I went to my oldest son's room.

"Maaaa! Knock sometimes!" he yelled.

"Boy I changed your diapers and potty trained you. You my damn son and this my damn house. You are not gone yell at me like you ain't got no sense. Try it again" I said sitting on his bed. I try to talk to each of my kids every morning so I give them what I call "Mommy Time".

"I'm sorry Ma. Goodmorning and Goodmorning 'Mon" he said sitting next to me and touching Armon's back.

"What's your plans for today?"

"I'm stopping by my girlfriend house to study"

"Mhmm to study you say?" I rolled my eyes "I don't like her Alizea David. She seems like the.." I covered Armon's ears "fuck type"

"Nah Ma. I mean we do but I really like Gianna. She is funny and cute and smart and she got some bomb a.." I just got up cutting him off.

"Okay son I get it. I love you and you know mama got your heart first. I only say what I say to protect you. If I don't like her I don't baby. Now get ready for school."

"I love you too mama and you will always have my heart" I nodded and walked to my second oldest room. My unique child.

"Ajarie Monae David" I walked in her room to see her laying down still sleep. "Armon go wake your sister up" He got down from my arms and ran to her bed and sat on her.

"I'm up" she sat straight up with her eyes half open. She rubbed them to she seen Armon. "Heyyyy Armon and Goodmorning mama." I sat next to her on her bed.

"How did my wonderful 15 year old sleep?" I asked letting Armon walk out the room.

"I slept good Ma."

"That's good Babygirl. What are your plans for the day?"

"I got competition cheer practice. You know we got one more competition. Then I got a basketball meeting tomorrow mom for summer ball. TOMORROW." She said shaking my arm. She lives  for the summer because she cheers for football and basketball season and competition cheer sometimes and doesn't get to play during the school year. She loves cheer but basketball is her life as well.

"I'll be there Monae. Now get ready for school"

"I can't believe my freshman year will be over in a month"

"I know my babies growing up."

"Now you go mommy before you start with the tears." I laughed a little and went to Armon and his twin sister Armonie's room.

"Mommy, wea daddy at?" Armonie said. Armonie is a huge daddy's girl, but she turns to me when her daddy says 'no'. She is outgoing and talks so much. She really is a split image of me and my husband but she is a major diva like my sister. I don't know how she got my sister trait but she has it.

"He's downstairs cooking." I said walking to her closet and picking out her outfit for today. She took off running I'm sure to her daddy. I walked to Armon's closet.

Armon on the other hand is my sweet angel. He loves me and I love him. It was something about him the first time I held him. He tries to be nice to everyone. The only thing is, he's scared of his daddy. I don't know why. He doesn't let my husband do anything for him. He hides behind my legs when I walk in the kitchen and my husband is in there. It makes my husband sad but I don't know what to do.

"Mommy" I looked down

"Yes baby?"

"Can I wear my green kds?" I nodded my head yes and picked out some khaki shorts and a green polo shirt.

"Get dressed and when you get dressed tell Monie to get dressed to please"

"yes Ma'am"

"Somebody was crying for you" My husband walked in the twins room holding my 10 month old , Ava , with Armonie on his leg.

"Awwwwwwe mommys baby girl" I took her from him. "thanks Ahmaud"

"Food ready baby" he kissed my forehead "and it's 7:20 by the way"

"Awww man" I walked out the room and told all the kids to go eat. After that, I went in my room and put Ava on the bed with my iPad. I put on my scrubs and toms. I don't even care about matching I care about being comfortable.

"Ma" I looked in my mirror at ava.

"Ava Marieee" she started giggling. I smiled and finished my bun.

"Amaya Faith David. Go eat I got Ava"

"Okay babe. Hurry I got a 9:00 appointment and its 7:45. I gotta drive to two parts of the world to take these kids" he laughed and got Ava. I went downstairs.

"Bye Mama." Ajarie said hugging me.

"Bye Ma" Alizea came and kissed my cheek.

"Bye Monae and 'Zea. I love y'all. Goodluck at Cheer practice" before Alizea walked out the door I called him back "Wrap it up I'm not tryna be no grandma at 38." I whispered to him. He smirked and walked out the door.

I started picking up toys from the kitchen floor when my husband came in the kitchen with Ava and Armonie in his arms and Armon behind them with his bookbag, Armonie's, and Ava's bag. I grabbed my Michael Kors purse and keys.

"Ahmaud, why you got my baby carrying all the bags?" I took all the bags from Armon

"Cause he got all the bags and hid in the bathroom till I said it was time to go" I sighed when Armon hid behind my legs. I picked him up and started walking to the garage. "Did you eat?"he asked me

"No, but I'll be fine" I buckled Armon in his car seat while Ahmaud did Armonie's and Ava's. I closed the door and Ahmaud came to my side of the car and grabbed my waist.

"Have a good day at work."

"Have a good day at practice mister this my last year then I'm doing athletic training" he tells people that everytime they ask him about football. He kissed my lips and I did back.

"Bye baby."

"Bye babe" I got in the car and backed out the driveway.

After dropping the twins and Ava off at preschool then daycare, I went to my office. I had made it just in time for my appointment.

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