Chapter 124: Hunger Strike

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Chapter 124: Hunger Strike

Shook to their core by the intensity of the small girl's voice, the two across from her were stunned silent.

Neither could figure why such a question would be so bluntly asked of them. As the small girl gave each of them a side eye, it was finally YN that was pressured into speaking up.

YN: A-Are you asking if we're both good people or not?

With YN going first, it prompted Subaru to mumble out a question for more clarification himself.

Subaru: I don't think we understand the question...

In response, the small girl with green-ish hair put a hand to her chin in thought for a brief second before coming to a solution.

???: I know! I'll check you both!

Hoping down off her seat, the eager girl ran around the table to Subaru's side. Extending a hand to both of them, the little tyke shook with childlike enthusiasm.

???: Gimmie your hands!

Her hands opening and closing in anticipation, Subaru obliged, while YN still had Echidna's warnings fresh in his mind.

No... Don't oblige her...

While Subaru paid the fresh warning no mind, he placed his hand in her much smaller one.

Subaru: W-Will you find something out by shaking our hands?

As the young girl smiled warmly at Subaru, he consented for her to continue.

Subaru: A-Alright... go ahead.

Knowing this girl had to be a Witch at the very least, Subaru put his trust in her.

A second later, the warm expression on the girl's face vanished. In its place, was a stare a thousand years long.

???: Sin must be repaid with Pain.

Upon her saying these heavy words, a ripping, snapping, and tearing sound was briefly heard from Subaru's flank.

Subaru: —Huh?

YN: —Tch!

As if trying to take Subaru's arm, the little girl did.

Subaru: What...?

Holding it like a young child might hold a doll or a precious toy, Subaru's arm was removed from the rest of his body and held by the girl who had replaced Echidna.

YN: —!

Subaru: —Gah!

Bone and gristle and veins and blood and flesh were visible from Subaru's arm socket and the detached limb this girl held.

???: Ahh... You're not writhing in pain? That must mean you're a good person. Good. A good person.

Ignoring her words, the terror was slow to hit Subaru.

Subaru: Aaaahhh... Aaaahhh. AAAHHHH!

Subaru knocked the chair down behind him as he stood quick enough to even tip the table before him.

Subaru: M-My arm!!!

In full panic mode, YN took a quick back step before any blood splatter landed on him.


His screams were not ones of pain, but rather of shock. Had there been pain, YN knew for sure that Subaru wouldn't be standing right now.

???: Hey, if you keep yelling like that for no reason, Dona-Dona isn't going to like that... It shouldn't hurt at all, right?

Even as Subaru patted the open wound on his body, he came to the realization too, that there was no pain.

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