Chapter 106: Hold On-

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A/N: Greeting's everyone. This is a chapter I've been wanting to release for a very long time now. It features art made by @perfArt_ on twitter (FFnet readers disregard). This is a longer chapter, but I promise its well worth the read. Please enjoy!


Chapter 106: Hold On—

With the march of footsteps making their way out of the village, the second, separate evacuation had begun. At the helm, was Ram and Tivy taking the lead, as it was the elder twin-sister who was the most familiar with the route they would be taking. This left Rem and YN to make up the rear guard.

Around half of the villagers were with them. However as they trekked deeper and deeper into roads YN had never traversed, it became apparent the current pace couldn't be kept. Many of the villagers were already either wounded or extremely fatigued. Taking into account those who were still able bodied, there were still the elderly who were slow going as well. Least to say, the evacuation group was now splitting into two smaller groups; one moving faster than the other, which meant guarding and keeping them all safe was going to be a larger problem than it was at first.

Halting their group, an impromptu meeting was held and a decision was made. It would be Ram and Tivy who would take the more robust of their group and blaze the trail to their destination of "Sanctuary." Whatever that meant.

Now left with the slower of the fleeing villagers, Rem and YN moved along with them, being keen to follow the forward group's trail.

But as the evening drew near, the sun was beginning to go down, and the skies were turning orange in hue, signaling a loss of light in the near future.

Subaru is still definitely alive... We haven't Reset yet.

Looking up at a nearby tree, YN saw one of the many magic crystals along their path, faintly glowing in the dim light.

And at least with the barrier still up, we don't need to worry about mabeasts.

As their journey continued deep into the wooded area, step by step, a faint wind blew through the forest.

As the wind swept by, YN thought to pay it no mind, but reacting to it, Rem halted the group with a single hand up. With all stopped, she smelled the wind and lowered her head.

YN: Rem...

Calling out to the one who held his heart, she turned to him.

Rem: The Witch's scent... and blood.

YN: —!

Startled by both of those words, before Rem could say more, a few figures from the path ahead ran towards them. Two of the villagers that had gone ahead with Ram and Tivy were in full retreat.

Villager: Please help! They're attacking!

Unsure of what to do, YN's mind was torn between going ahead to assist and leaving this group undefended, or staying put in-case this was part of the Witch Cult's plan.

But without an opportunity to think, Rem bolted ahead.


Running after her, YN had his choice made for him. Struggling to keep up with the maid who was demonically inspired to reach her sister who was certainly in combat, YN passed a few more villagers running back to the second group in his pursuit of Rem.

Reaching a clearing, he finally caught up with her.


Rem: El Huma!

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