Chapter 53: Laundry

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Chapter 53: Laundry

Being set up with bed sheets and towels to fold, Rem and YN worked patiently with each other, occasionally Rem would stop YN on a different set of towels or sheets and show him the way that specific type would need to be folded.

YN: Like this?

Rem: Yes. Those will need to go into the bathing room, so YN-kun can set those aside for now.

With Rem more experienced then YN was when it came to laundry, she had finished her pile much sooner.

Rem: Rem needs to soak the next load of laundry, can YN-kun manage until Rem comes back?

YN: I sure hope so.

Leaving for the next room over where the laundry was actually washed, YN was left alone to fold some of his own pile.

Pulling out a large bed sheet, this was one he hadn't any experience in dealing with yet.

Just how big is this? It looks sort of like the one Rem had on her bed...

As YN struggled to find the seams to match up to make the first fold, a smaller piece of cloth fell, having been entangled inside the larger bed sheet.

Landing at his feet, it was small, smaller than any of the hand towels he had folded.

Is it a wash cloth of some sort?

Picking up the cloth, YN went to find its corners, ready to fold the square shape into smaller squares.


Where's the other corner on this thing?

Unfolding the cloth in its entirety, it was no square, and it's material was not one for a utilitarian use.

With three distinct sides, and an almost pocket-like shape with three openings, YN flipped the cloth around until he saw one tiny label on it.

That's strange... But I recognize the writing...

In this other world's language, there was only one word he knew as well and could read better than even his own name.

YN: 'Rem.'

Perplexed by the existence of her name on this, YN finally held the cloth all the way out, realizing it's full shape.

Huh, this is... —!!

YN: —Hk!

Held out in front of himself, was a pair of Rem's most private undergarments.


Immediately balling them up in his hands and looking wide eyed around the entire room, just in-case someone was watching him, a panic filled YN.

W-What are these doing in here?!

Uncupping his hands, YN sneaked another look at the forbidden cloth he now held in his hands, the label conveniently being the first thing he saw again.

As if he were not allowed to look, YN cupped his hands once more, averting his eyes.

If it were anyone else's I might be able to look but since it's Rem's... Aagghh, I just can't bring myself to! But wait, if these are Rem's... That means she's worn these. Which means they've touched her—!

As if realizing he shouldn't even be allowed to touch such a precious heirloom, YN dropped the undergarment from his hands.

Gently parachuting to the ground, the garments landed perfectly.

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