Chapter 115: Dark As A Dungeon

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A/N: Just wanted to give a big thankyou to my proofreaders. They help catch many of my shortcomings in this writing. I also want to give a big thankyou to all those that decided to read my latest fic too, Yunyun x Reader (God's Blessing For This Poor Lonely Girl!), your kind words on it are most appreciated!

If you'd like to check that one out, you can find it under my name on WP and AO3. It will be getting a new chjapter in about 24 hours time from when this chapter is posted.

Also I will say too, I've been going back and re-reading my earlier chapters of this fic and I gotta say, they're rougher than I remember... One day in the future I may go back and fix things and hopefully make them better to read. If I do, I will make an announcement.

Until then though, please enjoy the latest release!


Chapter 115: Dark As A Dungeon

Inside was dark and dank. The walls smelled of moist earth and while they were definitely unclean, YN needed to use his hand against them to keep his barrings as he walked forth into the pitch black environment.

YN: You can't see a damn thing in here...

Reaching into his pocket, YN felt for the power button on his phone before holding it down. Seeing his device's splash screen, he quickly unlocked it and used the built-in flashlight.

Looking at his battery level through, he winced.

YN: Forty-two percent...

He'd kept the phone turned off since leaving Crusch's manor, but even before then, it had been upward of eighty percent charged. The time with it powered off had still significantly drained its power.

I really gotta ask Roswaal or someone to teach me a Yang spell that's sorta like 'magelight' or something.

Shaking the ideas of furthering his magical repertoire, YN focused in trying to locate Subaru or Emilia. Hopefully both.

I really hope it's not a labyrinth in here...

Step by ginger step, YN trudged forward down the thankfully straight hall.

YN: Woah...

Many paces inside now, he came across a busted pair of gargantuan doors, leading to a deeper enclosed room. The doors sat crooked on their hinges, with many tree roots from above digging into them.

Approaching the opening, he peered inside.

Emilia! Subaru!

With his light shining on the two inside, their current state caused him great alarm.

Both seemingly having face-planted, YN worried what sort of thing could have caused that.

Is it poison gas? Something in the air?

Unsure what could be causing this, YN at least was assured Subaru wasn't dead.

There's no Reset yet... But I still gotta get him out of here!

Taking in one large breath, YN held his phone in his mouth with the light out and in front of him as best as he could manage. His plan was to get in and get out, lifting Subaru and Emilia by using his Yang magic to slightly enhance his strength just enough he could shoulder them both.

Alright... Here goes—!

With one step through the door, YN immediately was forced to exhale his held-in breath. Fumbling to catch the phone from his mouth in his hands, he also dropped to his knees.

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