Chapter 93: From Twin to Only Child

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A/N: This was one of the key chapters I really wanted to write for this arc. I really enjoyed writing about Rem's impact here and I hope you all enjoy it.


Chapter 93: From Twin to Only Child

Ears ringing and body aching, it took what felt like all of his remaining strength to spit the dirt from his mouth. Taking deep, labored breaths, YN's poor senses slowly returned to him, as did his consciousness.

It was dark, and all around him it seemed there was a thick haze. Flipping to his back, he tried to look upward, but all that remained was more of the same haze. He couldn't tell if this was his own vision, or the actual reality of the world around him.

But as he looked up, the haziness seemed to twinkle over to his side. Forcing his head to look, it appeared as if a light was shining upward, and instinctively he rolled over to its direction.

It was beaming straight up from the ground, pointed up towards the heavens, however, the tall grass of the plains concealed the source of this light.

Pulling himself forward, one arm and leg at a time, YN groaned in pain as he crawled towards the light. Fist after desperate fist, he clawed his way closer until—

YN: It's...

Facing upward, was his own phone, the flashlight remaining on. Seeing it so casually thrown to the side, the last few moments of his more recent bout with consciousness re-entered his weary mind, and with it, the last thing he'd seen illuminated.

No... No! Rem! Where is—?!

???(muffled): YN-kun!

Calling out, was a voice he knew well. Better than any other voice. It was the one voice he wanted to hear the most right now.

Rem: YN-kun! Thank goodness.

Dropping to her knees, Rem looked over his battered and bruised body.

YN: Rem... Are— hk! Are you alright?

Wincing in pain from just speaking up, Rem nodded to him.

Rem: Yes. Does YN-kun require any immediate healing?

Somewhat caught off guard by how calm her tone was, yet hearing and seeing the urgency she otherwise had, YN answered her nonetheless.

YN: No... I'm good for now, but... What... What about that eye?

Rem: The White Whale it seems has descended upon the highway, just like what occurred in YN-kun's last loop.

YN: The White Whale... Does it really come this early?

Shaking her head, Rem replied as best as she could.

Rem: Rem only knows as much as her YN-kun does. Perhaps while the Highway was set to close much later in the day, the actual appearance of the Whale was long before.

Looking over her shoulder as she said that, concerned if the Whale had given up the chase yet or not, Rem snapped back to the reality before her.

Rem: B-But is YN-kun sure he is fine? No broken bones?

YN: No... —hk! Just sore and really fatigued...

Rem: That will unfortunately happen if you try to force magic while your Gate is stagnant. However, this may be to Rem's own selfish benefit.

YN: Huh?

Confused on what she meant by that, Rem picked up the one who held her heart like a prince would carry their damsel in distress.

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