Chapter 81: Sunday Driver

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A/N: Hello everyone! Here's this week's chapter. Like I said last week, I said those who correctly guessed what the car our dear friend YN had would get a shoutout. Well, Xenomyguy on WP was correct in first guessing it was a Chevrolet Vega (hence the part where I clued in it was star related, the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra.) Mach-77 on WP was correct in pointing out it was a Chevy Vega Kammback body style which I didn't expect anyone to know! They're also the author of 'Re:Zero A Racer Starts Life in Another World' which is another great story, so I guess that's why they were so privy to that information! If you like cars and Re:Zero like I do, you'll enjoy their story too.

Also, I would like to give a big shoutout to Rem Supremacy from the OTR discord for the proof reading they were kind enough to do for me to help eliminate more typographical errors. Big thanks to them!


Chapter 81: Sunday Driver

Opening the door for the one who held his heart, Rem elegantly sat inside the car.

YN: Watch your limbs.

Shutting the door, it sealed itself shut with a satisfying *ker-chunk*.

Being enclosed inside by herself for the brief moment it took YN walk around, Rem's eyes danced around the inside of the interior.

Brown like the outside of the car itself, the inside was much more cramped than a carriage, but the seats were considerably more comfortable and supporting, being made of what felt like leather. Feeling the inside of the panel of the door, and the "counter" that lined the largest window in the front, it was a hard material. It wasn't wood, and it wasn't metal like the outside of the car. Truthfully, the material reminded Rem of the little card she'd later asked YN if she could see that had his picture on it.

Between the two seats, one in which she sat in, the other she assumed YN would command from, was a leaver, pulled up. Looking further over, was the round wheel, like a ship's that Rem assumed was used to navigate the direction of the car. And behind it was a large assortment of symbols enclosed by a small window.

Below the wheel, was the area where one would set their legs, and down in there were two pedals.

It reminds Rem of the sewing machine at the mansion, but there are two...

Looking closer she saw an assortment of buttons and knobs on the "counter" before her, each with symbols around them as well.

But a few, she distinctly recognized.

These are exactly like the ones on YN-kun's phone...

The double straight lines, and the sideways triangle. Reaching out to touch them, Rem halted as YN opened his door and got inside.

YN: Well? Was it everything you hoped for?

Feeling nearly overwhelmed by the amount of strange things around her, Rem struggled to answer.

Rem: It is much more than Rem had ever imagined... She cannot explain it, but she has a strong desire to touch every button, if only to see what it does.

Seeing she was rather memorized by the array of shiny toys before her, YN patted her head to bring her back to reality.

YN: You're gonna like this then.

Sticking the key into the ignition, he turned it over and started up the engine.

Rem: Wha—! It's shaking!

Instinctively grabbing the handle that was built into the dash in front of the passenger seat, Rem was alarmed at first.

YN: Don't worry, that just lets us know it's working.

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