Chapter 45: Payday

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A/N: Quick, very small, unimportant spoiler alert: This chapter will mention a rather insignificant event from a Felt focused short story called "Riot In Flanders." While still un-translated at the time writing this chapter, it is machine translated. I thought it would only be fair I say it now just in case. Again, nothing even minor will be spoiled here.

Chapter 45: Payday

After having been woken up by Rem once more, YN and her had walked to breakfast, where once again, he got an ornately plated meal.

Having separated for the day's work, YN had set about trimming the main lawn for the first time since the snow festival.

I think that snow had some sort of growth formula mixed into it... The grass has never been this thick before.

Struggling, YN conceded to making three passes rather than two to get the lawn to look right and not spend the entire morning on just two passes.

It's like mowing wet spaghetti...

Stopping, YN had a short epiphany.


Blankly staring at the lawn having just finished his second pass, the gears in YN's mind spun.

Ya know, it'll be mine and Rem's one week anniversary of dating in a few days...

Thinking he should do something special, an earlier thought still lingered in his mind.


Pounding a fist into his open palm, the two ideas finally combined.

YN: That's it!


Taking a break from cutting the lawn and going about a few other trimming tasks, Ram came outside, ready to tell YN he was done for the day once the lawn was finished.

Going to leave, YN called after Ram.

YN: Hey hold on a moment, Ram.

Following the pink haired maid up the steps to the mansion's back patio, YN made his request.

YN: Do you have a minute? I wanna run an idea past you really quick, as I might need your help.

Somewhat surprised YN of all people was asking for her help, Ram looked up to the sky where the sun was now overhead, as if guessing what time it was.

Ram: Sure. What is it that you need?

YN: I wanna make something special for Rem. A dinner, specifically. But...

Ram: ...But? Do you have something in mind?

YN: I do. But, I'm not sure if some of the ingredients I need are easy to find.

Tilting her head as if prompting him to elaborate, he did.

YN: Well, for starters, I need some long noodle pasta.

Putting a hand to her chin, Ram thought for a moment before answering.

Ram: You should be able to find something like that from a vendor in the village...

YN: But I think the hardest thing to find will be... Well, have you heard of a 'tomato?'

Lifting an eyebrow at the obviously foreign word, YN's hopes declined by the second.

Ram: 'Tomato...' YN, you wouldn't happen to mean a 'Tometo' would you?

Remembering this world's different names for its food items, the similarity in the naming certainly meant it was close. YN had to be sure though.

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