Chapter 17: The Great Escape

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Chapter 17: The Great Escape

Rem stood silent and still, watching for any sign of life that remained in YN.

Finally, Rem knelt down. Putting the back of her hand in front of YN's face, she felt for breath, however faint.

There was none.

She then placed two fingers on his neck, feeling for a pulse.

She felt none.

Before she lifted her fingers back up, she ran them over the bruises she had left on YN's neck during the strangle. Each bruise perfectly fit one of her fingers. Rem traced each one, paring up each fingers mark that had been left.

Placing her weight onto her knees to sit, Rem flipped YN's corpse onto his back.

She proceeded to search his body, patting him down. Starting with his butler coat pockets, she found nothing. She then proceeded to search his trouser pockets. Finding nothing in his front pockets, she finally felt an object in his back pocket. It felt square, and while not hard, it wasn't entirely soft either.

Reaching into the pocket, Rem felt leather. Pulling it out, she realized it was an oddly shaped pouch. Handling it, the pouch folded open.

Going to investigate it's contents, Rem crawled with the pouch in her hand over to the metia torch that still shined upward in the darkness.

Folding open the pouch, the first immediate thing she were a few pieces of odd colored paper in the main fold of the pouch.

Taking them from their pouch, Rem examined them. On one side bore the face of a man, aged, and looking experienced. Flipping it, there was a drawing of a building. Both sides written with a language she did not understand.

Rem was astonished at the level of detail in each of these drawings. Putting the paper back in the pouch it had come from, she examined the rest of the folded leather pouch.

Looking near where the pouch folded, Rem guided her her fingers into a small slot.

She felt two or three distinct items, flat, and all the same size. They were a made of a material she was unfamiliar with. Solid like metal, but not cold like it. Flexible like wood, but it was clearly not. A texture like glass, but not as fragile feeling.

Pulling them out, she looked at them one by one. The first one she looked over was white and shiny. On it has more words she did not know. Highlighted across the bottom were more of the unknown language, this time raised up and textured. Flipping the item over, there was a strip of black going across it, with more language she did not understand, as well as a scribbled line.

The second of these items was almost identical, although this one was a matte blue.

The third caught Rem's attention like neither of the other two. Another item the same size of the others, this one also displaying the same unknown language, this time it appeared to list information in the way it was formatted.

But the main reason it was so shocking to Rem was the extremely detailed, miniature portrait of YN's face that was on it.

Rem examined the great detail in it. How could someone paint something so small yet so accurately?

Shaking her head, she was extremely side tracked. Putting the contents back in the leather pouch, Rem placed it back in YN's pocket.

Her search not yielding a single result, Rem sat next to YN's corpse.

Surely he is an adversary. He reeked of the Witch. But then why...

Rem thought back to YN's final moments of life, the words he had mouthed to her, his farewell words to her.

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