Chapter 15: Interrogation

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Chapter 15: Interrogation

Still staring in absolute disbelief, YN asked his question.

No response.

Puzzled and maybe questioning what he was seeing, YN began to walk up to her, slowly, but not taking his eyes off her for the first few paces.

Almost halfway to the silent, non responsive Ram, YN thought he should see if Subaru himself was watching this as well.

Subaru, are you seeing this?! YN wondered.

Going to turn his head up and behind to see if Subaru was visible on top of the cliff, his head only made it about halfway around before another gust of wind made him stop.

He hadn't heard this gust coming. And it was so sudden that something was off.

Turning his vision back towards Ram, in the short time YN had gone to turn his head, Ram had advanced with that breeze. She stood only a few paces away, and now both of them stood right in the middle of that clearing at the bottom of the cliff.

The two stood there, staring at each other, waiting to see who would make the first move.

With tension rising, YN made a rather large gulp, hoping to swallow his anxiety of the moment.

In response, Ram snorted.

Feeling as if the tension was finally broken, YN knew that this was Ram in front of him. Putting his hand on his chest to help expel the air trapped within him, YN sighed a sigh of relief.

YN: *sigh* You were spooking me there, Ram. But... what are you doing out here?

With an unchanged expression, and a tone that almost conveyed an air of utter contempt, she answered.
Ram: That's a better question for yourself, isn't it?

YN: ... —Hk!

He truly hadn't thought of this that way. To Ram, it would be rather suspicious as to why he was still nearby the mansion. She really did have a reason to be so on guard.

Ram: Out with it. Why are you still here?

YN: Well, it's really complicated but I promise it's for a good reason, but I can't—

Ram: Can't what? Can't tell me? Do you honestly think I'd believe whatever you have to say?

YN: Ram...

Ram: Save it. I won't be the one you have to 'explain' things to.

YN: — —? 'Explain'? I-I don't understand—


Cutting off YN, a loud yelling noise rose from the cliff behind him and Ram.

Off to the very far edge of the cliff from where the two stood, Subaru had made his escape, jumping off the cliff edge with the rope still tied around him. Not hesitating for a moment, he cut himself lose and fell another two feet down, almost face planting but rolling right up and sprinting off, into the brush, totally oblivious to the two standing on the other side of the clearing.

YN: Suba—

Ram: It's pointless!

Snapping his head back to Ram who had shouted over him, he couldn't figure out why it would be "pointless" to shout over to him. Obviously he could explain all this to Ram and—

Ram: Barasu was to be dealt with first, but it looks like you'll be the first instead.

With complete contempt for YN, Ram spoke these words. It was a tone only used for those she bore absolutely no sympathy for. A near lament for his very existence.

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