Chapter 56: The Endless Eight - Part 2

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A/N: We're back with this week's regular release! I hope you all enjoyed this week's surprise chapter that was dropped. This is the chapter the real action begins!

And for anyone curious, Rem is currently dressed like her "Nagomi Style" Kimono Figure if you want a real, actual visualization of what she's wearing througout this chapter.

Chapter 56: The Endless Eight – Part 2

Finding themselves back in their shared guest room, there were two bedrooms, one for YN and Subaru while the other was reserved for Rem and Emilia. Off the shared space though, was a balcony.

Sliding the door shut behind them, YN looked around to see if anyone could hear their conversation, namely seeing if anyone was on the nearby balconies. While not visible to them, Rem and YN could hear the sound of work being done to prepare the finishing touches for the festival.

Leaning over the solid wood railing, they were at least two floors above the street below which saw moderate traffic from passerby and carts being taken to and from the festival area. With the evening sun beginning to set, lanterns and street lamps were beginning to be lit.

Rem: What was so important that YN-kun couldn't tell Rem anywhere but here?

Sighing, YN rubbed the back of his neck. He was hoping this wouldn't be a large tangent but also knew that Rem needed to be informed, as it was highly suspect.

YN: Truth be told, it started back when Subaru asked you about the architecture of the city.

Rem: The Kararagian style?

YN: Well, I don't mean to be rude, but it's not really Kararagian...

Tilting her head, Rem didn't understand what YN meant by that.

Looking out below, YN watched the shuffle of people as he explained.

YN: Back in the old world, the country Subaru comes from has architecture just like this, but it's very, very old. I would probably venture to guess anywhere from a hundred to four hundred years ago maybe? There are very few buildings left that look like this.

With silence between them, Rem also looked down at the people below as she thought of what YN meant.

Rem: Is YN-kun suggesting that these buildings came from Subaru-kun's country?

YN: It's not as simple as that, I'm afraid.

Shaking his head, YN explained.

YN: That Hoshin guy? I think he's from Subaru's home country, but just from a very long time ago.

Realizing what that meant, Rem quickly figured out the rest.

Rem: YN-kun is saying Hoshin might have come from across the Great Waterfall like he did? Except from very long ago?

Nodding, YN confirmed his theory with Rem.

YN: Yes. And using his other-world knowledge and technology, made himself powerful.

Putting a hand to her chin, it made sense. Historically, the Kararagi lands were vastly divided territories, and the terrain and weather made it hard for an outside power to conquer the land.

For a man to come from the Wilderness like the tales say, and unite the lands... Rem has a hard time imagining how he could do it without having some sort of ability or knowledge like YN-kun would have...

YN: I imagine he probably came at a time when technology was just a bit more advanced then what Kararagi was.

Rem: Then YN-kun and Subaru-kun came much later, did they not? Surely that would make them much more powerful?

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