Chapter 80: We've Been Trying To Reach You About Your Car's Extended Warranty

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A/N: Well, here's a chapter I know you've all been wanting to see for a VERY long time. The return of Car-kun. (Artwork I had commissioned for this chapter will be towards the bottom!)


Chapter 80: We've Been Trying To Reach You About Your Car's Extended Warranty

Walking further and further into the slums of earlier, YN and Subaru did so with no real fear.

YN: I guess it was pretty convenient that Rem bashed pretty much any denizen who would have had a bone to pick with us.

Subaru: I kinda hope that doesn't come back around to hurt us. But I do agree, we are lucky that she showed up. Even though I'm used to seeing the twins be so strong, it's still surreal seeing a maid of all things beat up a whole gang of men nearly twice her size.

YN: Isn't she wonderful?

Getting somewhat lost in thought about how both cute and beautiful Rem was, no matter what it seemed she did, Subaru gave YN a look of mild contempt.

Subaru: You're not one of these people who copy that line saying 'I love a woman who can kick my ass,' are you?

Saying that as they rounded a corner, their attention was immediately grabbed by the ruined structure of the former loot house.

Subaru: Wow, it's still like that?

Approaching the collapsed building, it did indeed look like a bomb went off inside. Shrugging, YN answered Subaru in a delayed fashion.

YN: They don't call it 'the slums' for no reason, I guess.

Looking around, the former loot house looked like any of the other ruined buildings that dotted the area of streets and overgrown plazas.

Subaru: When one burns down, or caves in from old age, they just join the ones around it, it seems.

Really beginning to feel the effects of the poverty around him, YN remembered his conversation with Emilia, and how she had described the desperate situation in the Capitol.

I wonder, just how different these Royal Selection candidates are from Emilia? Emilia had to come here to get her insignia back, but would have any of the other candidates come here themselves? Have any of them even seen what this is like?

Having seen the stark differences between here, and the entrance to the Nobles district, YN began to wonder if in addition to her appearance making her a would-be obvious standout in the Royal Selection, if her opinions on what she would do with her power would make her a bigger one.

Watching him kick a few pieces of rubble as they stood by the ruined building, YN posed a question to Subaru.

YN: Subaru, why do you want to help Emilia become King?

Raising a brow to YN, Subaru thought for a second.

Subaru: Oh, that's easy. It's—!

Putting a finger up as if lecturing YN, he was cut off by his audience of one.

YN: —Outside of you thinking she's pretty or that you like her.

Putting his finger down, Subaru put his same hand to his chin in thought. Going to scratch the back of his head, he began to weakly respond.

Subaru: Well, I mean... I guess—

???: If you two wanna stand around and gawk at an old man's retirement plan gone wrong, I'm going to start charging a viewing fee.

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