Chapter 112: I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry

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Chapter 112: I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry

Stood on the porch of the Karsten Manor's main entrance, YN held the one who held his own heart.

Before him, the carriage was being readied. It would be the one that he would follow behind that carried his companions and friends back to the place where he had called "home" for the last few months of his life.

Crusch, Wilhelm, and Felix had come to help prepare and see off what were supposed to be rival camp members, but thanks to this continued alliance, these sorts of things came with no sense of hostility or unease. While it was a sunny day, a day that was perfect for travel with a light breeze and occasional white cloud in the sky, YN stood under the easement to the Karsten Manor still, away from all the others.

His purpose for being there was partially because in truth, he didn't feel like socializing. He just didn't feel like he had it in him right now. Not with how everything had turned out anyway...

But, he had an excuse.

YN: I don't want to leave Rem in the sun for too long. If it's too harsh for her, she doesn't have a way to tell me.

—At least, that's what he told Crusch on why he had chosen to stand alone.

But with all the luggage packed, and the final goodbyes for now being said, YN knew it wouldn't take long to get his stuff in order.

His cloak, his clothes, his phone, and charger were already in the back hatch of his car. The only thing left to pack inside was his most precious item.

Felix: Umm, YyN? Don't mew think it's a better idea to have Rem-chan ride in the carriage? Ferri has some medical straps used to secure patients for transport...

YN: Thank you for the offer, but my car— er, dragonless carriage has built-in straps. I'll use those.

Speaking of course about his seat-belts, as the demi-human and greatest healer in the country looked on as YN gently placed the blue haired girl into the car's passenger seat, he was joined by Crusch and Wilhelm as well.

They all knew YN was aware it was a better idea for Rem to ride in the carriage, with the ground dragon's Divine Protection of Wind making his car feel like it was going to shake apart by comparison. But at the same time, they all anticipated he'd still be feeling overprotective of the girl, not wanting her out of his sight.

Truly though, it was Wilhelm who understood the best. He'd seen his own daughter-in-law succumb to an extremely similar ailment, and knew how his own son felt about it.

As YN reclined Rem's seat slightly, he gently placed a pillow between the top of the seat and her head, hoping to make the ride more comfortable for her. Making sure no part of her was in the way of getting pinched, he gently shut the door.

Gazing at her beautiful complexion through the window, the sky above halfway reflected onto the glass, superimposing itself over the girl inside.

Naturally, her hair blended in perfectly with the sky that was reflecting back at YN. Sighing heavily to himself, he slowly walked back around to the driver's seat, causing all the eyes looking upon him to scatter in fear of being accused of staring.

As Emilia and Subaru were ready to close the carriage's door, the half-elf weakly smiled at YN as he approached.

Emilia: Are you all set to go?

YN: I am, thank you for asking, Emilia-sama.

Responding in formal fashion whilst in front of the Crusch camp members, Emilia continued to weakly smile.

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