Chapter 105: Blood On His Hands

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Chapter 105: Blood On His Hands

Rem: —Rem takes full responsibility for this blunder.

Bowing her head before the main entourage of the Iron Fang elite, Ram, and those from Crusch's camp, no one could find the blue haired maid at fault.

Ricardo: Easy there little lady, it was the messenger's screw up, not yours.

Julius: That is true, Rem-san, there's no need to blame yourself for this.

Ram: Rem, no one here blames you for this. Had Ram been more thorough with looking into the messenger, this would not have happened.

With the letter hoping to inform those of the Mansion about the attack and those who were being sent to deal with it being received by Ram, things had certainly not been conveyed in the way it had been intended.

Rem: Then certainly no one can blame Nee-sama for reacting as she did!

Wilhelm: I would not imagine anyone would, given the circumstances and the blunder in communication that had occurred.

Rem: And that is precisely why it is Rem's fault! Had she remembered her responsibility of writing the letter and sending it off herself, this would not have occurred.

Shaking her head in disagreement, those gathered around still tried to reassure her.

Felix: We just don't knyow that. After all, the letter was written by that grateful patient you healed after the fight with the White Whale. While they were kind enough to do it for you after you forgot, they might have ended up giving the messenger the wrong slip of paper, or even given it to the wrong messenger entirely. There's a lot that could have happened.

Wilhelm: Had another letter meant for a different recipient been delivered on accident, that would not have given way to this situation. But to accidentally deliver a blank message...

Subaru: Umm, I have a question.

Raising his hand like a student in school, Subaru inquired for more details. With Julius and Wilhelm both nodding to him, Subaru bluntly asked.

Subaru: What's the big deal with sending a blank letter?

Raising a brow to that, Julius let Wilhelm himself explain.

Wilhelm: To put it simply, sending one a blank letter is a way of conveying you have nothing left to say to them. It's akin to a declaration of war.

Rem: And combining that assumption with Nee-sama's Clairvoyance showing her a large group of armed individuals encroaching into the Mather's Domain...

Subaru: Sheesh, if put it that way, it's really no surprise Ram acted that way.

Julius: Truly, she cannot be faulted given what was displayed to her.

As the knight folded his arms whilst saying that, it was Ram who looked at both her "enemies" with daggers in her one visible eye.

Ram: Precisely. Ram only acted in what would have been in Roswaal-sama's best wishes.

With still no one finding issue with Ram, even given everything that had occurred with the magic she had used on the entire convoy, Julius pushed his hair behind his ear.

Julius: Thankfully, Subaru here was able to solve your magic's trick. From there, it was simple to have my little buds assist everyone else in their state.

Glaring now only at the Finest Knight, Ram grumbled.

Ram: Ram does not appreciate knowing it was Barasu who thwarted her defenses.

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