Chapter 100: The Deafening Silence

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A/N: This is a chapter I've been wanting to debut for an extremely long time and wanted to write for the longest as well. In fact, me thinking up the events of this chapter is partially what inspired me to actually sit down and start writing this fic in the first place. It's been a really long time coming and I'm so glad we're here at this chapter. You've stuck in there for 100 chapters now, and nearly 3/4 of a million words for this, so I hope it's worth it.

There's a scene in here I had some art made for by @perfArt_ on twitter awhile back, so if you're on WP or AO3, you'll see it, but unfortunately, FFnet readers can't see it due to site limitations. I really hope you all enjoy this chapter and find it impactful in the series. It's my 2nd most favorite one to write so far in this series, with my all time favorite which is going to be chapter 108.

But, without further delay, please enjoy this chapter, it features a scene I think perfectly defines this series and what inspired most people who sought this story out, or have kept along with it.


Chapter 100: The Deafening Silence

Up the stairs the two ran, hot on the heels of the thief. As they reached the top of the bell tower, there was a wide platform that served perhaps as a lookout point for the town. At the highest point for what must have been a great distance all around, perhaps on par with the highest steeples at the Mansion, the three stood now in a tense standoff.

A full, white, and massive moon hung low in the sky still, its bright light serving as a spotlight for them all on cloudless night.

But from where they all stood, Emilia and YN blocked the entrance back to where the large brass bell of the tower was housed, and the thief had his back against the railing, right behind him a surely lethal jump to the street below.

Emilia: We have you surrounded. Please, just hand back over what is mine and you are free to leave. I won't let the Knight pursue you.

Extending a hand as she said this, the thief's expression was still hidden under his mask, making it impossible to tell what he was by chance contemplating given the corner he was now backed into. While he had proven to be a difficult opponent for Emilia to face at long range and on the back of moving ground dragon carriage with his fire magic, on the relatively solid ground of the bell tower's top floor and the closeness of proximity now, he was no match for the half-elf.

After a brief, tense, handful of seconds, the thief reached into his pocket, and out emerged the green pyroxene crystal that belonged around the half-elf's neck. Letting it dangle from his hand by the broken string, its glint caught the moon light perfectly.

With a few more long seconds of anticipation, the thief lobbed the crystal up high. Airborne, it caught more of the moon's soft light, highlighting its trajectory. Thrown high, but short of where Emilia stood, YN could tell its angle was meant to maximize time, get her to move, and to draw all her attention to it.

This is a trap! Emilia!

As the half-elf stepped forward, tunnel visioned on her stolen property as it shined against the black, star covered sky, the thief had prepared his fire magic. Casting it at her as she was defenseless, YN's quick recognition was key to his interception. Time seemed to slow down as moved in front of Emilia.

I can't just take fire magic like this... It would be too serious to take head on... The only thing I can hope to do is—!

Flooding his palm, YN pushed as much mana as his stagnant Gate would allow. While he knew it was futile to try and counter it in the state he was in, at the very least, one weak Jiwald would help to lessen the damage he was set to take.

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