Chapter 76: A Test of Aptitude

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A/N: Here's this week's final chapter. I haven't done a double header in awhile and this story seems to line up oddly for you, check the last chapter, as you might have missed it.


Chapter 76: A Test of Aptitude

Feeling the sensation of being airborne, it ended with a quick thud first on his rear, and then on his lap.

YN: Ouch-ouch-ouch...

Reaching behind him, YN could feel the smooth touch of fresh cut grass, about the length he kept the mansion's lawn. Trying to open his eyes though, a new cascade of bright light challenged his vision.

Agh... This is a different light. It's natural in its color, not like the Trial's or that white space I get sent to.

Rubbing his eyes to adjust, YN heard a few familiar voices fill his ears.

???: Woah, hey, YN, and Rem-san? Where did—? How did—?

???: YN? Rem? Where did you just pop in from?

???: Myyyyy how nice of you both to drop by. We were just wondering where you both could have absconded off to.

???: How bothersome all this is I suppose.

???: Rem, are you hurt? Was YN cushioning enough for you?

???: Wha—? Who—?! Mathers?!

Somewhat recognizing the voices, it was the last one that drew a blank from YN.

Was that Puck? No... It's more masculine, but I don't know who that is...

Deciding he needed his eyes, YN forced them open. Filling his vision initially, was the calming hue of blue that was Rem's azure hair. The thud he had felt on his lap was the maid landing on top of him, sitting sideways like she would when YN drove the carriage to Saluzzo.

Feeling her two soft hands gently rest on either side of his face, she spoke to him.

Rem: That's Rem's YN-kun. We did it.

YN: Are... are we out?

Looking to his left and right, YN tried to figure out where they had been released to. Taking the hand he had reached behind himself with, it returned with a handful of loose blades of grass.

A few paces to his right was the lord of the Mansion and his employer, Roswaal. And standing to his immediate flank was the elder sister of Rem, Ram, who coolly observed everything as she did. Standing behind her though, as if frightened by their sudden appearance out of nowhere, YN's wayward traveling companion, Subaru, looked on at them with his piercing eyes. The three obviously had just returned to the mansion.

To his left though was the gazebo where Subaru had been passed out after using Shamak for the first time. Inside was Emilia, and the two resident spirits, Puck and Beatrice. But behind them sat someone YN did not recognize.

A young man of shorter stature, he seemingly was holding his head in frustration, which let his bangs hang forward, blocking his face, and making YN unable to get a good look at him.

Who's he? Was he that new voice?

Given everything that had just occurred, a new face being present wasn't a coincidence.

Just as he went to speak up about it and voice his curiosity, the mystery guest stood, slamming his hands down on the table.

I've been given another chance! I won't waste it!

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