Chapter 2: Carpooling

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The light light inside the car had finally reached it's climax, and blinded the entire cabin. YN could hear the car begin to rev up, and the ride smooth out.

Was the car floating? Had he driven off a cliff? He couldn't bring his eyes to look forward at such an intense light.

The sensation continued for what felt like the longest few seconds of his life, but all of YN's attention was being occupied by the feeling of the hand on his shoulder.

And before he knew it, the hand was gone, and as soon as it was, the light began to dim, until it finally became a more warm light, like sunshine almost, it was no longer the bright scalding white of before.

With his eyes still shut, he started to feel the car rumble.

Was the car back on the road? No. This rumbling was much too consistent to be natural. Bricks maybe. A cobblestone road.

YN struggled to open his eyes, which before closing them were still used to the darkness of the night.

His vision, while blurry started to come back through. Looking ahead, YN could begin to see an area that was well lit, as well as voices, like he was standing in a crowd. As his sight cleared up further, what appeared to be a horse's carriage could be made out, and he was approaching it very quickly.

YN slammed the brakes with all he could and jerked the wheel.

Narrowly avoiding totaling his car, he instead careened into a stack of wooden barrels and crates, shattering and destroying many before the brakes finally put and end to the car's destructive slide.

???: My inventory! Oh this cannot be!

What? Crates? Barrels? Inventory? YN thought, analyzing the situation, his eyes darting around trying to understand what just happened.

YN: Is.. is it day time?

YN rolled down his window and looked up at the sky. It was slightly cloudy, but otherwise bright, sunny day.

An older women came running from the other side of the carriage YN saw just moments before his crash.

Woman: Oh dear! It's all ruined! That metal box must have come flying off one of the passing ground dragon carriages!

A rather rotund man, wearing a black apron and scruffy clothes made his way around the same way the woman had come from.

Man: None of that matters now! Come honey, we need to find whatever blithering idiot of a carriage driver lost his load and demand compensation for his failure to secure his product!

Woman: Oh but some of this might be salvageable—!

Man: We haven't the time! Quickly! We must find him!

And with that the two departed into the busy avenue of bustling carriage traffic.

YN: Do... do they not realize that I'm the one who crashed here? It's like they didn't even recognize that this is a car or somethi—

Wait a minute YN thought. Ground dragons? Dragons?

YN opened his door and got out, and observed the damage. Thankfully, the damage appeared to be the car shoving the goods and them toppling over had broken them more then his actual impact did, as his car was left with only a but a few scrapes.

But after he saw, he heard.

City sounds. The sounds of mid day hustle and bustle of an urban area. He turned to see what was behind his car.

Before him was a wide street, filled with many carriages. But.

Those weren't horses pulling them, but rather, large beasts. Lizards? No, dragons. The woman's voice echoed in his head. Ground dragons she had said.

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