Chapter 111: Help Me Make It Through the Night.

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Chapter 111: Help Me Make It Through the Night.

Stirring awake, YN took a large deep breath.

My whole body...

His entire being hadn't ached like this in ages. It reminded him of mornings waking up just after his Gate had become stagnant. Yet, as he laid in bed, things began to seem wrong. While he knew he was in a bed that wasn't his own, namely, one in the Karsten Manor, it didn't feel right.

Why am I still in these clothes?

In garments that still very much felt worn and used, YN knew he wouldn't have worn these to bed.

As he regained more of his consciousness as he awoke, the damp sensation between his cheek and the pillow was abnormal too.

I never used to drool like this in my sleep before coming to this world

Yet, as went to wipe his cheek, he found this moisture did not originate from his mouth. Moving his hand higher up, the source was found.

My... eyes?

Feeling the pillow, he confirmed once more this wasn't his newly usual habit of drool he had upon waking up in the mornings.

These are...


YN had been crying whilst he slept.

But what reason do I have to cry? Yesterday was

His heart sinking and becoming cold, YN sat motionless for a moment before more tears quickly ran down his face and onto the pillow as they had been.


The memories of the two failed Loops hit his psyche like a freight train.

All the effort, all the pain, all the struggle, it seemed as if it were all in vain.

Rem: More than anything else in the world, Rem loves her YN-kun!

Letting the echo of her words enter his mind once more, a pain like no other struck YN to his core.

Folding his knees up to his chest as he laid sideways in his bed still, YN sobbed silently to himself as the knowledge of Rem's condition having persisted had remained.

I couldn't save her...

Thinking back on his actions, his morale sunk lower.

The Murder of his friend, his panicked rampage of attempted vehicular manslaughter, and finally with his mind at its wits end, having to be pinned down by his allies and sedated.

YN had no clue how much time had passed. He remembered Felix having to use a great deal of mana and skill to knock him out, and to that end, he figured that was the source of his body's achiness.

They probably all think I'm crazy now...

While the embarrassment and the shame weighed greatly on his soul and mind, none of that compared to the pain Rem's loss had for him.

Sitting up in bed, YN looked out the window.


Comparing the condition of the sky versus the segmented, lighted crystal display that divided the day into Water, Earth, Fire, and Wind times, the "clock" on the wall illuminated a blue color.

It's Water time... So it's definitely the evening, but it isn't unsightly late.

Seeing the color, YN couldn't help but think something was off about it.

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