Chapter 4: Heaven

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YN started to wake as he felt the twinkle of sunlight on his eyelids. Choosing to keep his eyes shut, he decided to let the curiosity of his sensations wake him rather then be blinded.

No longer did he feel the cold, rubbled floor underneath him. He only felt the warm, comforting embrace of a bed, and a pillow under his head.

YN took a deep breath in though his nose, using it to tell him where he was. He smelled the freshly washed covers that were adorning him, and the acute, but still faint, smell of freshly cut flowers.

He wiggled his toes.

This is cloth he thought. A very high quality cloth.

His arms, under the covers began to arise too. He first felt his sides, which moved back to the bed, and then to the edge of the covers.

Yep, this is a bed alright.

YN started to feel the mattress under the bed sheet, and then went to feel the covers, and how they were tucked.

It's definitely not a hospital bed. And this mattress doesn't feel like the stiff cheaper kind you find in a motel.

He started to reflect. How did I get here? What led up to this?

YN racked his mind, replaying all the major events from yesterday. He remembered everything, but as soon as he came to the last thing he remembered, it came with a price.

Instantly he felt his aches. His head throbbed still from his impact with Subaru, the weight on his shoulders and collar bones from the getting the wind knocked out of him, and the feel of fatigue from his lack of sleep combined with the adrenaline kicks he had right before crashing out on the floor of the loot house.

YN was finally convinced by his condition to open his eyes.

Opening his eyes, his vision was blurry. YN wiped his eyes with his hand as he pulled them out from beneath the covers. His vision clearing up, he could see a white ceiling ordained with luxury trim.

I don't recognize this ceiling.

YN sat up and looked at the room he had been asleep in until now.

He couldn't believe his eyes. The bed in which he laid in appeared to be the thing of dreams. Stark white covers and plush pillows. The room was classically decorated with an ornate window and curtains that the sun shined in though. YN's bed was pushed into a corner the room though, where it did not look as if it belonged there. Especially considering that across the room laid a bigger, even more luxurious bed on the middle of the opposite side wall of the room, flanked with night stands holding what looked like lamps on each side of the bed.

And in that bed, laid Subaru, who was also rustling awake.

Subaru: I don't recognize this ceiling.

As he said this, he moved his hand up to where him and YN had bonked heads, also feeling the same pain as YN.

YN: Mornin' Subaru. How's your head?

Subaru: Painful, but better then it was, no thanks to you.

YN shrugged and closed his eyes, replying in a boastful manor.

YN: You shouldn't have been in the way. I bet I coulda' clonked Elsa something fierce if I had— Hmph!

He was cut off abruptly by a pillow thrown by Subaru, feathers going all over YN's much smaller bed and floor.

They both gave each other a guilty look and got up to clean the small mess. YN tried stuffing the loose feathers back into the case while Subaru used his foot to push the ones on the floor under the bed.

As they both finished, Subaru posed the question that was the elephant in the room.

Subaru: So uhh, YN, do you know where we are?

YN: Ya know, I haven't a clue.

Subaru: What?! Really?!

YN crossed his arms and nodded with his eyes shut before opening them back up and declaring with a single finger:

YN: I'll have you know I passed out no later then a half hour after you did!

Giving YN a look of disbelief, Subaru replied.

Subaru: So you have no clue where we are either.

YN: Well, I did talk to Emilia till my adrenaline ran out. If I had to guess, we're at her residence.

Subaru walked over to the window.

Subaru: I wonder what the view of the capital is like from here—

Subaru moved the curtain just enough to see the view himself, with YN poking his head in from the opposite side.

YN & Subaru: Holy crap.

They both took in the scenery, a massive garden with a fountain, trees for miles and miles, and mountains far in the distance.

YN: How did we get here... Who owns all this...

Subaru put a hand to his chin, eyes closed and declared.

Subaru: Emilia's. It has to be.

YN's eyes drew down to the fountain in the court yard.

YN: She did say that she was going to take us back to her residence...

YN said this while thinking hard. Emilia couldn't possibly own all this. Is it her family's?

Subaru: Emilia's huh? She's pretty and rich?!

Subaru shook his head.

Subaru: I've got my work cut out for me then.

YN: Subaru.

Subaru turned his head, eyebrow raised as to acknowledge YN.

YN: We should probably do some recon work, yeah?

He suggested, pointing at the one door leading out of the room.

Both adorned in robes, they set out into the hallway of the mansion. After what seemed like going in circles at least three times, YN confirmed Subaru's thoughts on the matter.

YN: I think it's safe to say that we're in some sort of trap to prevent us from leaving the room.

Subaru: That's just what they want you to think. I bet that they wanted us to leave, but don't realize that I could solve this puzzle on the first try.

He approached the very same door they had departed from to enter the hallway in the first place, denoted by the distinct painting to it's right.

Subaru: It's always the same door you entered from!

With the door swinging open, the smell of books, print, and dust came wafting out.

Looking at each other first, Subaru entered with YN in tow. Upon stepping in, they came upon a small girl, dressed in pink and black stripes, and yellow drills for hair.

After some antagonizing back and forth between the girl and Subaru, the girl had decided she had had enough from her visitors.

YN: Subaru, don't you think you should be a bit more, reserved? She's obviously an inhabitant of this household.

YN turned to the girl waving in innocence, smiling nervously.

YN: Please forgive my friend, he means well and we are truly appreciative of your hospitality.

YN bowed and put a hand to Subaru's back to get him to bow as well.

YN: Please excuse us host-sama—

Subaru shot back up, fist raised in argument.

Subaru: Hey what's the big idea!? Who said you could speak for—

The sound of a large book clapping shut cut off Subaru's rebuke.

Girl: I have had enough with the antics, I suppose.

Setting the book aside, the girl approached Subaru and held out her hand, palm forward, right in front of Subaru's abdomen.

When a slight flash, Subaru collapsed to the ground.

Girl: I have taken your mana as payment for this disruption.

Subaru: Y-y-you're not human, are you?

Girl: Don't ever lump me in with those other foul creatures, I suppose. Betty is much more refined.

With that, the Beatrice turned towards YN, hand in the same fashion as when she approached Subaru.

YN: Woah woah! Easy easy! I'll grab him and leave! You won't have to worry about us coming back!

Beatrice: *sigh* While Betty appreciate your offer, that was also to check his intentions, if he intended to harm anyone or anything in this house, I suppose. I sensed nothing from him. Now it is your turn for Betty to inspect.

With his back against the wall, Beatrice approached YN, hand still held out.

Beatrice: I will make it far less painful for you, I suppose.

With that, Beatrice closed in and was about to zap YN of his mana, but she paused briefly, with a look of confusion, followed by a soft expression going across her face. Just as YN was to ask what she was waiting for, he felt it.

Beatrice: I wonder if he knows, I suppose...

YN could only get the feeling that she was only indirectly talking to him with the statement.

With the energy falling out of his body to the girl's outstretched hand, he began to collapse much like Subaru had, but it had taken a few seconds longer of mana zapping then it had taken Subaru.

YN lay on the floor next to Subaru, beginning to pass out from exhaustion, and as his eyes faded shut, he could only hear a simple monologue.

Beatrice: This one has a much more significant mana stockpile...

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