Chapter 18: Touch? I Remember Touch.

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A/N: Here's another series of chapters (4 of em!), just as promised. Like I said, one of you all made a correct prediction last week, and you'll find out what that was in this series of chapters. Also to answer the question that was left; yes, if YN dies and Subaru progresses past to a new checkpoint, it's game over. But that would be true for anyone else in the show.

But again, big shoutout to ShuTDowN for finding the tiny spelling and grammar errors I glanced over in the last series of chapter

It also looked as if the chapter break lines failed to copy for chapters 15-17, so I have fixed it now.


Chapter 18: Touch? I Remember Touch.

As Subaru ran towards the trees, away from the mansion, YN turned to look back up at the window he had just climbed down from. Ram was leaning out the window, she looked down to meet eyes with YN.
YN: Shit.

Pivoting on his heel, YN headed in the opposite direction of Subaru.

Turning her head back around, Ram called to Rem.

Ram: They're splitting up! Rem, the other is headed towards the gardens, go after him, Ram will go after the one headed for the forest.

YN bolted along the side of the mansion, crossing over the hedges and up onto the back patio.

I can't out run either of them. I have to out smart them by tricking them.

Taking one look at the mansion's back door, YN had an idea.

They're expecting us to run out AWAY from the mansion. If I hide in the mansion, chances are they'll both head outside, giving me time to slip away.

It was a big gamble, but YN thought he could be able to beat the twins if he acted quickly. There could be no hesitation. Flying through the back door, YN entered the foyer.

He looked left and right.

Where do I hide? Where's somewhere that has an exit in case I'm found?

YN was doing exactly what he knew he shouldn't do, he was hesitating. As soon as he realized he was, he could hear footsteps making their way down the staircase. Hurried footsteps.

Taking the only opportunity he had, he quickly stepped behind the partially open doors to the meal hall, the closest place to where he was.

Tip-toeing behind the door, it was at just the right angle to where you could see the bottom of the staircase from the door's keyhole. Silencing all his breathing, and making absolutely sure he was not leaning against the door, YN peered through the keyhole on his knees.

Only a few seconds later, Rem arrived at the bottom of the staircase. Her hurried steps made a stop. Closing her eyes, Rem sniffed the air.

Putting a hand over his mouth to mask the sound of his gasp, YN realized what he had forgotten.

Oh shit. That's right. I just ran though there, she can smell me. She'll just track my Witch scent.

As soon as Rem had finished, Ram arrived next to her at the bottom of the steps.

Ram: Rem, what is it? Why are you stopping?

Rem: Nee-sama, one is still in the mansion.

This is bad. I might be able to outmaneuver one of them, but the two of them are going to be impossible to get away from.

Putting a fist to his chest, YN gave it more thought.

Maybe that's not a bad thing though. If they both go after me, that's more time Subaru will have to get away.

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