Chapter 33: A Painter In My Mind. Tell Me What you See.

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A/N: Again, this is another chapter based (more loosely then the last) off an arc 2 short story, namely "Rem's Day Off" or sometimes TL'd as "The Head Maid's Restless Day Off", which again, was TL'd by Remonwater, and is also a very cute read.

After a day of making mayonnaise, YN and Subaru were given two final days of rest before returning to work. YN had spent his next day off doing almost next to nothing.

The hours had ticked by extremely slowly, and while Subaru had gotten himself wrapped up in some sort of shenanigans in Arlem with village children, YN spent the day mostly alone. With Rem and Ram both occupied in running the mansion, YN's only real chance for speaking with either of them was at the meal hall table, spare Emilia who had twice come to YN's room for tea and conversation, each time asking about his injuries and his gate.

Why can't Emilia give this kind of attention to Subaru? He'd be off the wall for not one, but two tea times with her.

With the twins working well into the evening, there was to be no tutoring session tonight again. Fearful of another boring day tomorrow, before, retiring early, YN searched out Ram.

Knocking on her door, she was surprised to see YN there so late at night. Standing halfway behind the door, Ram answered the door in her pink nightgown.

Ram: YN. This is unlike you to bother Ram at this hour. Is everything okay?

Sighing, YN came clean.

YN: I want to return to work early, starting tomorrow.

Staring blankly at YN before answering, Ram's red eyes cut right through him as he awaited her response.

Ram: While Ram would certainly welcome the additional help, it already took some convincing to get Rem to agree with allowing Barasu back early—

YN: What?! You mean Subaru got here before I did to ask the same thing?

Ram: You were late by an entire night, Barasu pleaded with us to allow him to return to work today. Rem finally settled on a compromise of sending him out for groceries and a 'welfare check' on the village children.

Having most of the surprise taken out of him after hearing that, YN replied.

YN: So he didn't really work today then.

Ram: Not in the slightest, yet that is only Ram's opinion. Rem had made sure to hide that fact from you, in case you decided to push yourself.

YN: And I take it Emilia was in on that too?

Ram: Is there any other reason Emilia-sama would take time out of her day not once, but twice other than to distract you?

YN: There are plenty, and you know it.

While YN did feel a slight annoyance every time Emilia asked him the same series of questions every time they interacted, Emilia was hardly the one who noticed her insistent questioning of YN at every opportunity she had.

Ram: Er— That's besides the point. But back to your request, Rem will certainly not allow it on the grounds your injuries are still recovering—

YN: Recovering? Look at me! I'm as fit as a fiddle!

Sighing, Ram began to grow tired of the conversation.

Ram: Fine fine. YN may return to work tomorrow, but be prepared to incur Rem's wrath.

YN: Hey now, I did promise to let Rem lean on me, if she's being overworked and I can help her not be, and I don't, I'm basically breaking our promise, aren't I?

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