Chapter 103: The Counter Raid

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A/N: Hello everyone! Here's this week's chapter! I have a question for you all at the end of this chapter, so please feel free to chime in on it!

Chapter 103: The Counter Raid

Having entered the forested area that was the beginning of the Mather's Domain, Subaru took point of those gathered for the raid. He led them to the start of the path that split off from the main road which wandered through the woods to where the Witch Cult lurked.

Dismounting his new ground dragon, Patrasche, the very same one YN had met at the Mansion when Wilhelm and Felix had arrived, Subaru signaled for the convoy to halt.

Clued in already that this must be their first stop, many of the other warriors stopped and dismounted as well.

Pulling over to the side, YN shut his car off, and walked around to open the door for Rem. While towards the rear of the convoy, the two walked hand in hand to where Subaru, Felix, Julius, Ricardo, Wilhelm, and two of the young demi-human triplets, Tivy and Mimi were gathered to discuss the details of what was to happen next.

By the time YN and Rem arrived though from the rear, the decision was made of who would be doing what.

Subaru: Rem, YN. Can I get you two to accompany me?

YN: Sure.

Rem: Understood. Will we be confronting the Witch Cult finally?

Answering her question, Wilhelm spoke up.

Wilhelm: Yes. It is our belief we will have the element of surprise should things go accordingly.

Subaru: Wilhelm here will be the one to lay the killing blow on Petelgeuse while I make an opening of some kind. YN, Rem, can I rely on you to be my backup if things go sideways?

With the sound of rusty chains and rattling pipes being an answer to his question, no eyes had been on Rem by the time she possessed her morningstar and chain.

Despite being familiar with the sound, its noise still caused YN to flinch when he heard it. Looking at it, he still recalled the many times the weapon had been aimed to take his life. As he observed it though, he noticed it was as worn as Rem's clothes were.

The head was missing a few spikes, the round cast part was cracked, and more of the spikes and chain links were chipped.

But before anyone could question her suddenly having the weapon, it was Mimi who decided to get her say in.

Mimi: —And Tivy and I will be the backup's backup! So don't be afraid to mess up!

Enthusiastically responding, there was no counter to her statement, so it was decided. Setting out, the seven, also including Felix as a healer and a third back up, were about to depart and leave the rest of those who were able bodied behind to guard the convoy. But before they did—

Julius: —Subaru, a moment please.

Surprised to hear Julius call for him in a non-jeering way, Subaru turned around and approached the Knight.

Julius: For your protection, please allow this one to guard you, as a safety measure if anything.

Opening his palm, a spec of red light formed, and dancing over, it hovered over Subaru's shoulder.

Subaru: Oh—! A spirit?

Julius: Yes, that is one of my little buds, Ia. She shall protect you if something heinous should take you by surprise.

Dancing about as if trying to show it was ready for anything, the little red Spirit did a lap around Subaru's head before disappearing.

Julius: Hmm, Subaru, were you aware you had such a high affinity for spirits?

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