Chapter 71: The Endless Eight - Epilogue

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A/N: Hello everyone! This week's chapter is very long, but with it we've also surpassed 400k words! I really had no idea this story would ever get that long, but here we are. I hope you all have enjoyed reading it as much as I have writing it. Please enjoy!

Chapter 71: The Endless Eight - Epilogue


Having convinced the Librarian of the need to peer back into YN's memories of the events that had unfolded in Saluzzo, Rem laid down next to him on the cold, hard tile floor of the Forbidden Library.

Lifting her hand up to the drill-haired girl standing above them, she sapped the mana from Rem's hand, taking the fuel for this magic, as well as her own payment for this "session." Feeling herself become drowsy from the loss of her energy, Rem let herself be whisked away to slumber.

Soon, YN-kun will not need to be the only one who remembers.

Reaching out, Rem's same hand caressed the side of YN's as she fell asleep.

Beatrice: How bothersome, these two. But after hearing of such an oddity... Betty unfortunately must help these two figure out what they can ahead of Roswaal.

It was no secret that Beatrice and Roswaal failed to see eye to eye on many things, it was more beneficial to her in the long run if he wasn't in control of such important developments.

But in truth, Beatrice had come to question the character of the current Mathers' to hold residency of the mansion.

Beatrice: Between that half-devil getting her precious gem stolen and there being a famous assassin behind it, a shaman organizing an entire siege of the nearby village, and now the events in the far away city? All too coincidentally related, I suppose.

If Roswaal was truly in the dark on what happened in Saluzzo like he'd said, then it was to Beatrice's interest for YN and Rem to be the first to uncover the truth rather than him.

Even if they inform him of any discoveries, they will still be the ones in control of the information, not him. For Betty, that is a large enough inconvenience to him for her.

As Beatrice mulled over her troubling thoughts, Rem was busy lodging her consciousness into YN's memories once more. From here, she was able to get herself situated, and re-familiarize herself with how this experience worked.


Hmmm, yes. Rem remembers this feeling...

Feeling her non-existent body take form. Her vision was filled with darkness. Reaching for what she remembered as a large tome, her "fingers" tapped out in front of her, sensing for the cover and the pages that it held inside them.


Taking a hold, Rem felt around it. Just like last time, the sensation was the same.

Rem will start from the beginning.

Flipping open what felt like the tome's leather bound cover, Rem thumbed to the first "page" and let her vision be replaced from what YN saw.

Like the opening of a curtain, Rem's vision was first introduced to a scene of YN and Subaru riding on the drivers bench of the carriage. Looking at the scene around them, it appeared as if they had just managed to arrive in Costuul.

This is as far back as Rem can go... Beatrice-sama did say at one point around a month is only as far as this reaches... That means YN-kun and Subaru-kun have been experiencing this loop for at least a month... possibly more...

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