Chapter 6: First Day On the New Job

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With both YN and Rem back in his room, YN sat at his desk and Rem at the foot of the bed.

They discussed what exactly YN meant by wanting to be tutored.

Rem: So... YN-kun is... illiterate?

YN: Well its pretty harsh when you say it like that.

Rem: Rem is sorry! Rem didn't mean to disrespect—

Putting his hand up to halt Rem's apology, YN conceded that she was correct.

YN: But you are completely correct, at least in the context of only being in these lands.

Rem: Rem is guessing that's not all though?

YN: No, I need to learn things like relevant history, how your money works, and like—

Rem had a slightly disappointed look on her face, causing YN to halt his words.

Rem: YN-kun were never given a proper education, where you?

YN: Oh no I was! Many years in fact! Here.

Taking the quill and ink, YN wrote his name as he knew it.

YN: See!

Rem took a moment to analyze it.

Rem: These... just look like scribbles. How would these form the sounds needed to be words?

YN: Well that's just my name.

Rem nodded, almost as if she wasn't fully convinced.

YN: I'll write your name next.

YN proceeded to cover his quill in fresh ink, and using his best handwriting, he wrote out Rem's name. Sliding the parchment over to Rem, she looked over the new set of symbols on the sheet and contemplated it.

Rem: This is... Rem's name?

YN: Yep! Here, I'll write more then.

Knowing she fully didn't understand his writing, YN dipped his quill once more and wrote out on the paper "Rem is the cutest girl in the Kingdom."

Rem picked up the sheet and analyzed the foreign symbols freshly written by YN. Giving a look of curiosity back to YN, she put her finger on the sheet under where he wrote "Rem."

Rem: YN-kun wrote something with Rem's name?

A bead of sweat ran down the side of YNs face and he didn't immediately respond, giving Rem all the clues she needed to confirm that was indeed her name.

Rem: And what of the rest of this? What does it say?

YN: Well it uhh, hmm, it says in a very antiquated, and uhh, colloquial terminology, with a good amount slang incorporated into—

Rem gave a slight giggle at the long usage of words to stall for reasons she understood, before slightly blushing and giving a half smile of her own.

Rem: Rem has a good enough guess as to what YN-kun wrote.

YN sighed, perhaps she knew, perhaps she didn't. He would be okay if she didn't because it would save him his embarrassment, but if she didn't fully know, he still wanted her to know, deep down.

YN: Fine, I'll make you a deal.

Rem nodded, prompting YN to continue.

YN: If you can teach me how to write my name, and yours, as well as a few other words, I'll rewrite it so you can read it.

Rem smiled and replied.

Rem: A promise then.

YN: Sure.

Rem continued to coach and tutor YN with the basics of reading and writing for a little over an hour after the sun had set. Drawing their study session to a close with a yawn, Rem had deemed it time to rest for the day tomorrow. The two said their goodnights and Rem headed to her room.

Not needing to do much afterwards, YN almost immediately crawled into bed, ready to sleep. His mind raced with thoughts on his current situation. What was happening back home? What was he doing here? What would be his next goal? YN felt the potential for great opportunities ahead of him, but his mind was also plagued with much uncertainty and anxiety.

As YN laid in his bed, so did Rem in hers. Rem's mind raced as well, although with different ideas.

Rem wants to fully trust YN-kun, but there is still something that cannot be overlooked... YN-kun and Subaru alike both have it... Certainly not everyone who has it is guilty, but it is usually a most telling sign... More time is simply needed to fully understand their motives.

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