distant satellites

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(a scenario based on the song distant satellites by anathema)

we're just like two stars
that meet once in a million years.
another million lives away,
you're there, you hold me.

as we touch, as we are close,
another lifetime goes.
the tale in which i was a sun
and you the storm in its heart.

a whole new life beginns
and you're the planet of ruins.
an object, distant, spotless,
here it's me, travelling the orbit.

you pull me close to touch,
in need of midnight lunch.
our rings almost coincided
before you took me away.

my life is your moon,
two sided and cold soon.
the storm is coming,
this time not in my heart.

my will to wander another
billion years and further
into nothingness of the universe,
of you and billion galaxies.

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