once in a lifetime

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once in a lifetime
there was a man who wanted to reach the moon
he took wine and got drunk by noon
at the age of twenty nine

but what about spaceship?
he didn't see this coming, building spaceship is so boring
so he rather stayed home, thinking, shooting heroin
"i'm not an addict"

once in a lifetime
there was a girl who wanted to kill herself
fooling around, not eating for couple of days
at the age of mine

but what about a knife?
she didn't see this coming, loving yourself is overrated
so she rather stayed home, decided to end it
"i don't want this life"

once in a lifetime
there was a kid bruised and scarred everywhere
afraid of going home, wishing to be someone else
at the age of nine

but what about home?
it didn't see this coming, freedom was far away and unknown
tears going down it's chin, covering its eyes color brown
"what am i here for?"

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