"i guess i'll skip the meal today"

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breaking rules of the innocence
is like forgive the unforgiven.

it has no meaning, no point,
leaves nothing but a void.

an open window through the night
that gives soul a chance to hide.

thousand shadows appear on streets,
but no heart that lively beats.

closed door, those that only allows
a stranger to an abandoned house.

and i'm knocking on these doors,
every time a part of me goes.

there's a sign of million words,
nobody can pass these doors.

there's a trap of million swords,
nobody can pass these doors.

the shadow that left on an holy hour
moved hundreds of pages, devour.

and the soul that once known ages
is hidden in those pages.

that helps me to turn back,
to read the colours, not black.

and i've stopped at the next room,
in those all the roses bloom.

my shadow left me with the key
and deleted the whole book, empty.

since we can decide which path to take,
since we come from a clear blue lake.

but my soul will never settle down,
my shadow travelling the world around.

every time i stand in front of trial,
i always wish it's the final.

they don't care they took my soul,
then they take a part of my body.

i need to search for more
than a cure to my antibody.

only one tear can be the last to shed
'cause loving you is like loving the dead.

with all the souls i've ever met
i just love yours the best.

i'll keep knocking on those doors,
mind searching for my shadow.

i'll keep waiting at those doors
until i'm covered with snow.

right now, you're the one i need.
right now, you're the one i see.

//hikikomori//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora