girl of my dreams

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i saw you this morning.
then it started raining.

i've been thinking about you.
it's not something new.

felt this many times before
but they all closed the door.

will you let your door open?
or will you leave me broken?

i'm so scared again
to face the end.

why am i attracted to your existence?
if i told you, would it make any difference?

why did you look at me?
is this a whole new movie?

why do i have these thoughts?
let's just see where this train goes.

i don't know you
but i want to.

i don't know you
but i want you.

is there any way
to let go of yesterday?

only memories left
those i want to forget.

i'd love to see your face
looking at me with grace.

i don't wanna be just friends
if this makes any sense.

if i'm supposed to hold somebody's hand
i only hope it'll be yours then.

i'm tired of being second chance
but for you i'll make a difference.

//hikikomori//Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora