"when does the line end?"

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as she walks away on a blooming day,
i have nothing else to say.

step by step on her side,
there's still a lot to find.

and she takes a knife from the table,
found me lying on the floor unable.

so i showed my chest as i killed love,
the blade cutting me deeply.

for being in the world of death,
i rise from the dust slowly.

the love was never erased,
only the heart was thrown away.

only the brain is staying damaged,
heart never finds a way back again.

since two souls went to war,
one survived fourty battles.

how can a hero adore
a rookie with a wooden sword.

skin to skin and eyes crushed lips.
icarus wings and forbidden kiss.

as she left me empty on an autumn day,
feels like all my feelings have a delay.

and i killed them all by the same knife
that took my heart, my whole life.

i put my body on a golden tray,
waiting for her to go away.

and she did it with a size of a moment,
as my wounds are still swollen.

somehow she disappears,
i lost the hearing in my ears.

so i'm searching for my foreign self,
the one that lost it for someone else.

drink up the poison, pretend it's fine
because all my life i've wanted to die.

//hikikomori//Where stories live. Discover now