Please read!

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This is on a more generalised note so please read before continuing onto the story!

This is a story I wrote after just turning 15, alongside that I was going through a very dark place mentally. These plot lines are not something I condone or romanticise in anyway! this is merely a story I wrote to cope with my personal issues. So on that note, if this isn't your cup of tea, then that's fine! Just please click off the story instead of commenting, because I understand it's not something that everyone will feel comfortable reading!

Make sure to check the tags!

Furthermore, I wrote this story when I was literally failing English so I do apologise for the bad grammar and simplicist writing. It does get better the more you read though! It's no where near the quality I write currently, but it does get more tolerable I promise.

As a whole, I hope you enjoy this story, there's either a song rec or quote at the end of each chapter, which I hope you like<3


On a more personalised note for previous readers

I have taken the choice to remove all my previous authors notes, due to the fact that I revealed a lot of personal information on them, and I no longer wish to have those out there. As a person, I do not wish to be correlated with this story, and with my future career path I do not want an online footprint with it!

For anyone who has read this previously, you will most likely know I was going through a rough patch when I wrote this, and I thank all of those who reached out to me, or simply became my friend during that time.

Well I can happily say that I'm doing much better in my life! In September I'm going to be attending university for law and I'm so excited. I didn't really have any friends when I started this story, however I have since made many who I hope to be friends with in many years to come:) I'll also be turning 18 this year, I was 15 when I first posted this, which is crazy to believe!

Thank you guys for following me through this journey !<3

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