chapter 30

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*third person pov*

Wanda had woken up before Natasha receiving a phone call that had drawn her out of her slumber.

After answering the phone call she got up groaning,her and Natasha hadn't gotten much sleep last night with Wanda being sort of an emotional wreck for most of the night;she felt much better now though.

When she had pulled the shirt over her head getting dressed is when Natasha started to wake up noticing her now awake presence Wanda started to speak.

"I've been called in I have to leave now,I'll be gone for a couple hours will you be okay with Nadia?" She said putting her pants on looking towards the redhead "I'll try talking to her but everything should be fine,I can always call you in case anything goes wrong right?" She questioned

The woman nodded her head towards the question she felt a bit worried however she knew Natasha could handle herself and could punish Nadia if needed be.

Not that they'd be punishing the girl though,they were walking on thin ice with her.

It didn't take Wanda long to get fully dressed and brush her teeth being fully prepared for the day now.

She gave a half awake Natasha a kiss on the lips before leaving their bedroom and going towards Nadia's door,she opened it seeing a still asleep Nadia and walked over to her just looking at the girl admiring her;the girl's brunette hair was sprawled everywhere including her face.

Wanda brushed the hair away from her face "I'll be back home soon baby" she said as if Nadia could hear her in her sleep.

She then left the room going downstairs.


*Nadia's pov*

I didn't know what I was supposed to feel I probably should've felt upset and sad but I felt no so much thing I just felt beyond angry.

There's no Wiki how on how to cope with losing your entire life though.

Even if i ever managed to get out I couldn't talk to my parents ever again or any of my friends,I was completely alone in this world with basically the only two people who knew of my alive status and both who loved me with everything being the two people I resented the most right now.

Resented the most ever.

At the same time why was there that small part of me that wanted to run into one of their arms and cry about everything,cry about all the pain they had caused me.

That small part of me was maybe the only thing holding on though,that part of me was Nadia Maximoff-Romanoff but she was the only part that existed now so where did that leave me?

Nadia Lourde was now simply a name of the past;a name people would hear and think "such a sweet girl such a shame" for a minute and then get back on with their lives.

She was dead metaphorically speaking and literally.

If this was her she would be crying her eyes out,I should be crying my eyes out right now I had a right to cry my eyes out until there was no tears left! Instead the only thing that resided inside me was an anger against the world.

Besides that I only felt emptiness it made me want to sleep away all my problems hoping and praying when i woke up it would be in my room.

I'd been staring at the wall for over 20 minutes now it was the only thing I had motivation to do,the anger inside me was bubbling away as I became more and more mentally exhausted.

My head didn't even move as I heard the door opening it wouldn't change anything.

"Good morning Nads! I'm so sorry about last night mommy lost her temper and she's so very sorry" Natasha spewed part of her bullshit apology coming over to me "sorry isn't going to bring my life back" I mumbled making Natasha go silent opting not to respond.

I never asked for thisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant