chapter 48

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*third person pov*

For most of the night Nadia tossed and turned being unable to remain asleep,there was a lot going on in her mind so her mind couldn't be at rest.

Finally shortly after the clock struck 4:30am she fell into a deep sleep.

Now it was morning time and time to wake up the sleeping and exhausted young girl that laid cuddled in her blankets with Max in her arms.

"Nadia,honey wake up" Natasha said shaking her lightly which normally in the morning was followed by a groan but not today,the brunette remained asleep and content "cmon honey" Natasha said repeating her actions with a little more force however still gentle enough.

This time it did work and Nadia cuddled into the blankets more for two reasons,one was to avoid Natasha and the other was for warmth.

She sucked the pacifier that had been left in her crib by the women before they had kissed her goodnight,when she woke up in the middle of the night she had put it in her mouth to try soothe herself.

Natasha continued to try get the girl up.

"So what's it going to take to wake up sleeping beauty over here?" the voice made Nadia immediately perk up and groggily open her eyes seeing the figure that was standing in front of her;she smiled at the sight.

In front of her was Sam, "good morning Aurora" he joked walking over to Nadia;currently she looked like a mess- an awfully cute mess but a mess.

Her hair was disheveled,half open eyes with obvious bags under them and a sleepy smile on her face whilst still having the pacifier in her mouth.

"Sam!" She said as enthusiastic as you possibly could when you're half asleep.

He returned her smile and walked up to her crib,instead of lowering the bars he just reached inside and picked her up;as soon as her body touched his she melted into his warmth and cuddled into him.

The girl enjoyed his warmth in silence for a couple more minutes whilst she continued to wake up fully.

"Why are you here?" She questioned "do I need an excuse to see my favourite little girl?" He replied to which he received an unimpressed look.

"Well I heard from a little birdie that a certain little miss was upset" he said.

A few months ago she would've rolled her eyes at that but now she was appreciative that Sam was here to cheer her up "can you colour with me?" She asked hopeful "well I had another idea in mind but first your mommy needs to get you changed and dressed" he explained leaving her slightly confused at what he meant.


*Nadia's pov*

Just like every morning I was changed and then put into clothes for the day which was a dress that was pink with childish things such as bees and flowers on it.

My hair was tied into pigtails with pink ribbons wrapped around each one.

I'd been informed that Jaxx had been found which definitely relieved some of the thoughts inside my head.

"Are you ready to leave now?" Sam asked me once Wanda had put my shoes on for me and set me down on the floor so I could stand whilst holding Sam's hand "ready to go where?" I asked again as when I was getting changed he still refused to tell me.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out" he said opening the door leading us out onto the driveway where his car was parked next to mommies.

Once we reached the car he opened the back door for me and gave me his hand which I gratefully accepted,he helped me get into the car seat he had placed in there for me.

I never asked for thisWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt