chapter 27

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*third person pov*

The rest of the families evening went by smoothly with Nadia eating many more cupcakes after dinner normally she wouldn't be allowed even one but with her good behaviour lately and puppy eyes she was allowed more by Wanda when Natasha wasn't in the room.

Wanda was more of a pushover whereas Natasha stood her ground most times.

"mama can i have another cupcake?" Nadia asked when Nat left the room leaving just her and Wanda together,Wanda thought for a moment "okay fine just one more though baby" she said.

She got a cupcake and gave it to the girl who ate it happily.

By the time Natasha came back she was finished with the cupcake,the evidence was thrown in the trash and wiped from her face.

All the sugar she had consumed had made her sort of hyper with her body now not being used to having so many sugary treats at once;Natasha always made her eat so many vegetables or fruit for each meal now.

To try combat her energy that Nat thought was from the cupcake before dinner they put on a movie and gave Nadia a bottle of warm milk.

That seemed to do the trick for Nadia as she started getting sleepy whilst on Wanda's lap.


*Nadia's pov*

I was rudely awoken by Wanda shaking me awake and getting me dressed before i could even open my eyes fully.

My eyes were still half closed as i was carried down the stairs with my head hidden in her neck.

Natasha walked over to us kissing me on the head "im sorry Nadia but we have to deal with work stuff so you have to go see Auntie Pepper" she said making me grumble i didn't feel like seeing people this early in the morning.

By 'work stuff' i knew it meant things they didn't think i was 'mature enough' to know.

I was much too tired to care about anything though,as soon as i was put into the car i cuddled into the blanket i was given getting cosy in the carseat which i was forced into,it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

Natasha and Wanda both cooed goodbye at me probably knowing i wouldn't be awake when we got there,i recieved a kiss on the forehead from both of them.


I opened my eyes seeing an unfamiliar place in front of me,when i sat up groggily i realised i was in the Avenger tower led on the couch with a blanket and a pillow i remembered it from when i was made to have dinner here.

Seeing nobody around i tried testing my luck putting my legs over the side of the couch getting ready to stand up just as pepper walked in making me quickly place my legs back.

"hey Nadia! you're finally awake" Pepper said walking over to me picking me up.

Instead of replying to her i grumbled pretending i was still mostly asleep as she carried me to the dining room.

There was a plate of pancakes sat on the table with a sippy cup beside it and a high chair placed against the wall "we decided to get some stuff for you Nadia so you can start coming over here more often isn't that good?" she cooed.

This made me internally groan i did not want to be here anymore than needed.

I was put into the highchair by pepper and then she brought the plate over,the pancakes looked bland not that i would tell her i didn't know where she stood on punishments.

She got a forkful of the pancakes putting it into my mouth not giving me time to protest.

Breakfast went by more or less like that,she cooed at me but otherwise it was silence at least with Wanda and Natasha they spoke to eachother in a small talk;it was boring but it was much better than silence.

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