chapter 49

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*third person pov*

It was now evening time and Sam had left hours ago after dropping off Nadia.

The family was watching a movie together with Nadia having her knees curled up to her chest whilst being sat in between the women with a blanket over them all.

"Nadia do you want some hot chocolate?" Natasha asked the girl who nodded towards her question "yes please" she added remembering to use her manners which she was praised for afterwards.

Natasha got up and left to the kitchen leaving just Wanda and Nadia together.

A question popped into Nadia's head "mama when do I get to see Jaxx?" the girl questioned,the thought had been in the back of her mind all day.

"Hmm well baby you see-" Wanda started explaining but was cut off by the brunette "what? Am I never gonna see Jaxx again?"she started panicking looking frantic.

Wanda quickly shook her head "Nadia slow down,I promise you'll get to see Jaxx again but it's complicated okay? Let the grownups deal with it and don't stress that little head of yours" she reassured stroking Nadia's hair.

Against her better judgment she just agreed to Wanda's statement nodding her head and gave her the best smile she could muster with all her worry.

It wasn't long before Natasha walked into the room with a bottle of hot chocolate.

She sat down on the couch with it in her hand "do you want mama to help you or should I?" Natasha said waiting for the girls answer patiently, "mama" she said putting herself onto Wanda's lap who took the bottle off Natasha.

It was placed in the girls mouth who began sucking it as she went back to watching the movie.

As the girl watched the movie her eyes began drooping which was something that hadn't happened in months- hadn't happened since they used to drug her...

When she realised what was happening she tried whining and getting the bottle out of her mouth however Wanda held it in place tighter and shushed Nadia who was too weak to try to fully fight against her.

Without any other options she sucked the bottle and fell asleep.

"Did you give her sleeping pills?" Wanda questioned being confused as to why she fell asleep not even halfway through the bottle "please don't be mad,the bags under her eyes are obvious and she wasn't going to get any sleep with all she's worrying about" Natasha explained.

Wanda nodded to her explanation "at least she'll get a goods night sleep" she said not wanting to fight with Natasha over this,it was one night and a good nights sleep won't do the exhausted little girl any harm.

"Better get this little one off to bed now" Wanda said standing up with the girl limp in her arms,her mouth hung slightly agape which it usually did when she slept.

Natasha followed suit standing up,she grabbed a pacifier off the table and inserted it into the girls mouth.


*Third person pov*

Nadia woke up hazy from the drugs,her body hadn't had them in so long so it affected her more than it had a few months ago when she was being drugged daily.

Normally she was awoken by the women so she took this time alone to think.

She knew they had drugged her but she was thankful? she didn't want to spend yet another night tossing and turning whilst her anxiety practically consumed her;she got a restful night of sleep.

Satisfied with her good nights sleep she sat up in the crib sucking her pacifier gently,she picked up one of her stuffed animals hugging it as she laid there.

Eventually she got bored of laying there "mommy! mama!" she called out.

A couple minutes later she heard her door open and Wanda stepped in "normally we're the ones waking you up" she joked going over to the crib,she lowered the bars and picked up the small girl.

"Mommy is still asleep so you're going to have to help mama make breakfast" she said laying the girl on the changing table.


*Nadia's pov*

Me and mama was in the kitchen now,we decided on fruit and oatmeal for breakfast which meant I had to sit on the side whilst mama cut up the fruit.

When she had finished cutting up a strawberry she picked up another one,cut off the stem and put it in my mouth which I happily ate "how does it taste?" she asked "sweet"I said still chewing it "mouth closed whilst we eat remember Nadia" she reminded.

I nodded my head and finished eating the strawberry "sorry mama" I said "apology accepted" Wanda said and continued cutting the fruit up before starting on the oatmeal.

When breakfast was ready and set on the table as if on cue Natasha came downstairs still in her pyjamas "breakfast looks great" she said looking at the food.

Wanda who had just placed my bowl on my highchair smiled "thank you,I had a great little helper" she said gently tapping me on the nose as I sat in the highchair.

We then ate breakfast together,they let me feed myself which ended up with me accidentally getting oatmeal and bits of fruit all over my mouth;I blushed when Natasha cleaned my face cooing at me.

I was taken upstairs after being cleaned up and Wanda who had already gotten dressed herself took me to my room to get me ready for the day whilst Natasha went to get ready herself.

When Wanda had gotten my clothes for the day and walked back over to the changing table she began tickling my stomach making my laugh.

She did this for a couple more minutes with me squirming as she held me in place tickling me as she also laughed,she finally stopped and gave me a chance to breathe.

All that laughter had taken my breath away.

Wanda then got me dressed into a frilly blue romper that I honestly probably would've worn when I was a college student if the frills weren't there.

We went downstairs into the living room and Wanda placed me in my playpen then took her seat on the couch where she always sat on her laptop working looking up at me every 5 minutes or so.

At one point her phone dinged making me look up curiously,I watched as she checked her phone "Nadia I need to ask you something okay?" she said.

I nodded taking out the pacifier that had placed in my mouth "yes mama?" "what would you say to Jaxx coming over today?" she asked immediately making me nod my head "yes!" I smiled "are you sure? he might be a little different Nadia..." she explained vaguely "he's still my friend and I want to see him" I stated.

She nodded to my answer not saying anymore words.

Jaxx was going to get a whole of a scolding from me when I saw him,I don't care if his ass got spanked 100 times before coming here he was going to get a piece of my mind with all the worry he's caused me.

Of course I would hug him after though.

I was so excited.


Authors note

Song suggestion: slut! By Taylor Swift

Falling in love with someone that you don't care about whatever people will say about you. Being in love with somebody and knowing you're gonna be demeaned and put down with sexist terms, merely because you're a woman.

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