Chapter 16

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*third person pov*

The girl had fallen asleep shortly after her and Nat had begun watching the tv.

It was now 2 hours later and Wanda had returned but the girl refused to wake up from her nap groaning and whining everytime they tried touching her.

They felt bad having to wake her up although they had to because if they didn't she would be awake all night,Wanda began lightly shaking her shoulder and whispering into her ears whilst Nadia was laid on her lap.

She got up holding the girl and began gently bouncing her "Nadia,Nadia baby wake up" she cooed,Nadia groaned trying to hide her face into Wanda's shoulder to no avail.

"mama please 5 more minutes" the brunette grumbled opening her eyes and rubbing them with her fists.

The sight made both women awe making the sick girl grumble more at the unwanted attention and try to hide her head once again from them.

Once Nadia had woken up fully she realised her head was buried in Wanda's chest she quickly shot her head up and averted her gaze having a red blush plastered all over her cheeks,Nat chuckled seeing it happen and seeing how horrified the girl was.

"its time for a bath now sweetie" Wanda said stroking the girls hair.

Natasha had already drawn the bath and it was now ready for the girl hence why they woke her up,they decided a nice lukewarm bath might help bring her temprature down.

They made their way up to the stairs and to the bathroom with Nadia still in Wanda's arms,the girl caught her sight in the mirror:her clutching onto Wanda,the onesie,pacifer hanging from a clip and disheveled hair she truly looked...young.

The one advantage to being sick was she really didn't have the strength to be humilated over a bath Nadia could barely even keep herself up,Natasha had to hold her up from the side whilst Wanda washed her body.

Nadia caught sight of a rubber ducky and in her sick haze she started giggling as she used the little strength she had to touch it.

The sight was a wholesome one and was maybe one of the first times they had heard Nadia's genuine laughter it was a sweet sound that echoed in the room it was music to their eyes;They didn't dare to coo incase it disturbed the girls ethereal state.

This is the side of Nadia that hadn't been shown often but it was their favourite by far.

Her laughter didnt stop as she held the ducky in her hand,it still had some bubbles on it from floating in the bubble bath which somehow made it funnier for her foggy state.

Nat thought of an idea and used the hand that wasn't holding holding up Nadia to get a handful of bubbles and she blew them into the bath catching the girls attention who began to copy her "mama look" Nadia said showing Wanda what her and Natasha were doing,Wanda put an expression of wonder on her face fake gasping playing along.

After Wanda had washed her hair and her body she began playing along with the two blowing bubbles around.

It was safe to say at the end of bathtime there was bubbles basically everywhere;not that either woman minded they had enjoyed the family moment of course they knew it was most likely the medicine and sickness making her act this way but still.

"Wanda? do you know where our babies gone? all i see is a pile of bubbles"Nat played around as she wrapped Nadia in a fluffy towel picking her up from the bath.

The girl laughed "i dont know Nat maybe we lost her in the bubbles?" Wanda said "i guess theres only one way to check hm?" Natasha replied as she nodded towards Wanda who began tickling the girl wrapped in the towel making her burst out into giggles.


"I'm not hungry" Nadia said crossing her arms whilst sucking on a pacifer, "Nadia you didn't eat breakfast or lunch you have to drink this bottle,do you want to get more sick?" Wanda tried to convince her to drink the bottle she held in her hand.

Although Nadia was hungry she didn't want to consume anything afraid she would end up vomitting again it was not pleasant at all.

Wanda had been trying to make her drink it for 15 or so minutes,she took the pacifer out of the girls mouth making her pout subconsciously whilst looking at the woman.

Natasha who had been watching decided to step in walking over and squatting to reach the girls eyelevel as she sat on Wanda's lap, "why dont you wanna drink your bottle Nads?" she questioned "dont wanna throw it up" she said meeting Natasha's gaze.

"What if mommy said that she put special medicine in the bottle to help you feel less icky,would you drink it then?" She told the girl,Nadia thought for a minute before hesitantly nodding her head; "promise?" the girl said holding out her pinky she wanted the migraine to go away.Nat took her pinky and shook it "promise".

Then when the bottle was brought to the girls lips she began sucking;it tasted normal which she was grateful for most medicine was gross!

The women were relieved she was drinking it,Wanda had practically filled it to the brim with a dose of medicine and vitamins knowing the girl wouldn't be eating much today.

A little bit after Nadia started sucking the bottle Natasha left to go do some work as Wanda sat with the girl holding the bottle for her happily as Nadia was leaned against her chest into a sitting position.


Sick Nadia=Compliant Nadia so they had no issues the entire day except simple refusals that were expected from her being sick.

There wasn't much Nadia could nor wanted to do so the trio spent the rest of the day in pyjamas watching movies together and bonding,Nadia had a small nap again in the afternoon but it was mostly from the medicine making her sleepy other than that she was watching the movies.

At dinner they had cut up some fruit for Nadia and had convinced her to eat it so Natasha fed her that whilst she also drank juice from her sippycup keeping her hydrated.

Every moment of the day was savoured by both women.

As bad as it sounded they enjoyed Nadia getting sick,they were able to coo and coddle over her all day without the girl complaining or throwing a tantrum as she was truly too out of it to give a single care.

Now it was past Nadia's bedtime she was already sound asleep on Natasha's chest though.

She had her bottle earlier without the sleeping pills this time as they trusted her to sleep through the night when sick and that had knocked her straight out.

They didn't want to put Nadia to bed however so she had remained down there with them; "she's sleeping with us tonight right?" Wanda formed as a question it was more of a statement though because she knew Nadia would be "mind reader,just look at her face how are we supposed to put her in the crib now" Natasha replied.

Tonight they went to bed earlier,they weren't watching tv or anything downstairs as they didn't want to wake Nadia up so they thought they may as well just go to bed both wanting to get her all cosy in bed.

The trio was all cuddled up in bed together with Nadia in the middle sucking her pacifer lazily.

Right now everything felt perfect.


Authors note

Song suggestion: making the bed by Olivia rodrigo

Being unhappy with your life but knowing you're the one who's put yourself there, regretting your choices, and feeling frustrated with life. Had this one on repeat a lot lately!

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