chapter 38

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*third person pov*

"pleasee" Nadia whined "its too mature Nadia,take it off" Pepper replied.

The two had been debating other the matter ever since lunch ended,the girl liked how she looked and wanted to keep it on;plus for her it felt like a small part of her old self returned.

Pepper crossed her arms "but look how good it is" the girl said trying to convince the woman "just because its good it doesn't mean you should wear it" Pepper said making the girl groan quietly "my mommy and mama would let me wear it" Nadia said playing the mommies card.

"yeah well thats them,they left me and the others in charge of you so what we say goes,Nadia take it off" she replied standing her ground.

The Avengers sat around watching the two argue in amusement however Clint was starting to feel bad for Pepper who was getting irritated "Nadia please take it off,its not worth the punishment because i dont think any of us mind punishing you if necessary,right?" Clint said making everybody nod their heads in agreement.

Nadia glared at him "fine i'll take the eyeliner off,but im keeping the heart on!" she said angrily.

They all seemed pleased with that agreement as Pepper gave the girl makeup wipes which the girl started wiping the eyeliner off with.

"i hope you guys know this is practically a dictatorship" Nadia said "such big words coming out of a little girls mouth" Sam joked getting a pacifer that was on the coffee table putting it on Nadia's mouth,the girl glared at him but made no effort to spit it out.


Once Nadia had taken off her eyeliner Pepper left going back to work and the rest of them did too except Clint and Sam who were watching the girl being her delegated 'best friends'.

Or at least thats what she said after giving Clint his friendship ring.

The trio got along well and since Pepper was satisfied with Nadia's makeup or well lack of it,the rest of the night went normally for the most part.

The girl had been given a bath by the blonde woman which she absolutely hated,it was an embarrassment she hadn't faced in a while having being used to the two women seeing her body but Pepper was a different story,after blushing for a bit she got somewhat comfortable.

Now the brunette was in Sam's room alone as Sam went for a quick shower leaving her alone which she didn't mind.

He told her they could watch a movie afterwards before the girl needed to go to bed.

Like the previous night Pepper insisted she had to have a bottle so the women was in the kitchen with Clint getting that ready for the girl as Nadia waited in Sam's room.

Nadia realised she had left Max in the kitchen from when she'd taken him in there earlier when Sam made her cook with him again,this time she somewhat helped though instead of just saying whatever she was thinking.

She got up and headed to the kitchen wanting her friend as she rounded the corner she heard a conversation she so clearly wasn't supposed to hear.

"you should put a higher dose in then you put last night as i caught her awake at 3 am" Clint said talking to Pepper she presumed "really?" the woman asked "yeah she said she had a nightmare,it took me a while for me to get her to sleep" he responded "probably why she was so defiant earlier,she was probably tired" Pepper said thinking of the earlier events.

The girl almost groaned out loud hearing her feelings being invalidated yet again.

Fortunately she stopped herself as the words began sinking in.

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