chapter 46

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(Jaxx's story)
*third person pov*

Jaxx had been a child of the system,his parents had always been more focused on powdered substances rather than the small blonde boy that sit in his room waiting for the all the loud noises outside his room to stop.

They always made sure the child was fed and cleaned though.

The young boy was content with watching cartoons all day on the couch whilst his parents went to do whatever they did,he was too young to know what was going on.

This was how the adolescent spent the first 6 and a half years of his life,it was all well until his father left.

Stacy,the blondes mother was what one would call a mess;the young woman was too hopelessly in love with Jaxx's father so when he had left she had fallen apart,before all that happened she only did drugs to give her the rush she so desperately needed but now she was convinced she needed them for her survival.

As her addiction got worse so did her care for the world,for Jaxx.

Being a single mother she didn't have that much money so when the choice presented itself of buying drugs or buying food she of course chose the former.

Shortly after she got a boyfriend,the small boy was ecstatic once he found out because in his innocent mind he thought if he got a new 'dad' his mother would be happy again and would begin to act like his mother once again.

Her boyfriend was a genuinely good guy and he had developed a fondness for the blonde child,over time Jaxx was had became practically like a son to him.

With addicts though can they truly love somebody when their whole life is consumed by their addiction?

So after about 7 months or so he broke up with the woman,he had to.

He loved Jaxx and wished he could've taken the child with him when he left the woman but that simply wasn't an option,he tried staying with her longer so he could protect the boy however he was at his breaking point and couldn't let his relationship with her get any worse than it already was.

The couple was fighting everyday and he knew Jaxx would be better off without all the arguing he had to listen to from his bedroom.

One thing about Stacy was that she was a person who let everything consume her whether it was love or drugs it didn't matter,it wasn't any different for her with the man who was Jaxx's makeshift step-father.

Overfilled with anger and sadness she let all her unwanted feelings out on the boy when she wasn't hooked on drugs,his small pale body was covered with bruises in a matter of months and with his malnourishment it wasn't hard to tell something wasn't right at home for the boy.

After a couple too many calls to CPS by his concerned teachers he was taken away.

At this point he was 8 so he still had the cute childish looks going for him so it wasn't hard for him to get the attention of a young wealthy couple.

It didn't take long for them to adopt him,they had wanted a young child to make them the picture perfect family;Jaxx was too young to understand that his mother was an abusive addict so he would cry and beg for them to take him back to his mother.

They tried to love the boy and they did but it was hard when the boy never returned that love,he resented them for taking him away from his mom.

By the time he could fully grasp the situation he had already practically buried his relationship with his adoptive parents,they had given up on trying to kindle a relationship with him as well but they still thought of him as a son.

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