chapter 57

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*third person pov*

When Sam woke up Nadia was still sleeping which was understandable,he hadn't picked her up until after 2 am and even though she had been gone a week Sam knew she still wouldn't have been used to staying up late,especially after midnight whereas the man was used to surviving on little to no sleep so staying up didn't bother him.

Instead of getting up he decided to take a page out of Nadia's book and also stay in bed.

It was quiet until a knock on the door broke the silence "brought you a cup of coffee since you were up till 3 am last night" Pepper said carrying a cup of coffee.

Sam raised an eyebrow at her "you brought me coffee?" he jokingly asked.

Pepper shrugged and brought the cup over to him "it's what friends do" she responded "if you want to see Nadia you could've just said,don't need to hurt my ego whilst doing so" Sam told her as he took a sip of the coffee.

"She mentioned somebody named Lexi last night do you know who that is?" he decided to ask however Pepper shrugged I'm return.

The woman gave him an amused smile,she went over to Nadia's side of the bed and readjusted the blanket that had been moved slightly whilst she slept.

"Still not changed your mind about calling Natasha or Wanda?" Pepper questioned brushing the girls hair out of her face,Sam took a sip from his coffee "you know that this is Nadia's decision not mine or yours" he stated after swallowing the coffee.

Yet again she didn't look impressed "make sure to ask her as soon as she gets up"

She leaned over kissing the girl on the head and then left the room closing the door,Sam sighed as soon as the door closed.


*Nadia's pov*

When I woke up I was confused when I felt something in my mouth that wasn't my thumb,waking up further I recalled what had happened last night and realised I was sucking on a pacifier.

Spitting the pacifier out I groaned sitting up.

When I sat up a rush of pain entered my head as I was still exhausted somehow,I checked the clock seeing it was 10:41 and I groaned.

I slept 8 hours yet I'm still exhausted?

My time alone didn't last long "finally awake?" Sam questioned making my divert my gaze from the bed to him "how're you feeling?" he asked making me shrug.

"You haven't called Natasha or Wanda right?" I questioned slightly worried,saying their names felt foreign in my mouth I'd been so used to calling them mommy and mama so it was weird addressing them by their real names.

He shook his head walking over to her "do you need changing?" He changed the subject making my cheeks go bright red as my brain registered what I was wearing and to my embarrassment it was wet.

Nodding my head he picked me up from the bed placing me on his hip.


*Nadia's pov*

After being changed Sam took me to the kitchen and started looking around for what to make for breakfast.

He got some eggs out "I make a mean omelette y'know" I told him shrugging "you can cook?" he questioned surprised "I can do everything and greatly might I add" I said with a smirk making him jokingly shake his head at me.

"So do you want an omelet or not?" I asked making him nod his head "stop being mean or else I won't make you one then" I continued amused.

Sam smiled at me "okay princess start making breakfast I'm sorry" he replied.

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