chapter 29

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*Nadia's pov*

I was not going to deal with this anymore not if I could help it,maybe I wasn't the same girl I used to be but that didn't mean I had to be whatever they wanted me to be;I'm still my own person.

Not Natasha and Wanda's baby,not anybodies baby.

As soon as the car parked and Natasha tried picking me up I started screaming Bloody Mary for help even if nobody would help me in this fucked up neighbourhood they could still hear my protests.

A couple people walking by looked our way before looking back as if the sight they were seeing was normal?

Seemingly embarrassed Wanda and Natasha hauled by ass inside as soon as possible.

"Nadia! What is your problem!?" Natasha scolded me immediately as the front door was closed leaving it just with us inside,perfect time to yell when people are no longer watching.

I continued to scream even when my inner thigh was hit;the only thing that stopped me was my mouth being covered by an unimpressed Wanda's hand.

Without even thinking I bit Wanda's hand making her pull her hand away clutching her hand with her other one "Nadia we don't bite in this household!" She practically screamed at me with a shocked expression riddled across her face.

Natasha didn't share the same look instead she looked beyond pissed off "Nadia why are you being so bad now! You've been a perfect angel until now!" She said.

Really I couldn't care less if they were mad all they could do was hurt me.

By hurting me they were showing what kind of people they were:cruel,selfish and vain people yes I may have cried for them but just because they've messed up my brain making me want them it does not mean they're good.

Once a psychopath always a psychopath.

"There's no way you're allowed to get away with this young lady! Even if we've been gone for a day it doesn't excuse this!" Natasha said taking me off Wanda roughly.

There was no smiles or hugs now like there had been previously all there was now was angry glares and scolding.

I was taken up to the room that had been designated to me,it wasn't my bedroom that would imply this was my home which it was not a home was full of love not corruption.It seemed like all my punishments happened in here possibly to try remind of how much of a 'baby' I was.

Natasha laid me across her lap "I'm sorry but I have to punish you even if you've missed us,you still have to learn what's right and wrong baby" she told me coldly;she then started the spanking making me wince at the pain.

Even though I was crying at the pain I knew I deserved it,this is the pain I deserved for submitting to the women for missing them.

My pain was justified.

The tears kept on coming as my body responded to the pain that was inflicted onto me,my body might be weak but my mind was not.

It finally stopped with me hissing in pain when the last one was recieved;my tears made it seem as if i regretted it all which worked in my favour "Nadia you understand what you did wrong right?" she questioned she said rearranging me to i was sat on her lap facing her.

So instead of responding i buried my face into her shoulder crying;i dont think a baby would understand right from wrong right? i shouldn't have to apologise as a baby wouldn't.

Assuming i only didn't respond because i was crying she began stroking my back, "i know you're sorry shh shh its okay" she said.

Luckily she couldn't see the smirk that was plastered on my face.

I never asked for thisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ