chapter 7

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*third person pov*

Lunch had gone by far much smoother than breakfast had,it was still as degrading or possibly even more for the brunette as she complied out of fear not because she had wanted to or because she was accepting it her reasoning was based on solely fear.

She was now stuck in a padded prison or well a playpen but to her it was just as bad as a prison,Nadia was placed there shortly after lunch being told to 'go play' by her captors there wasn't really anything in there interesting to do it only contained toys that babies and young toddlers would use.

However in there she had seen a stuffed dog toy that sort of resembled her childhood dog Max whom she had loved dearly so she'd placed the stuffed dog beside her for comfort as she laid on her stomach,the toy reminded her of her life out there so she thought of it as a token of motivation for herself,she was going to get out one way or another she told herself again and again sort of as a mantra.

Right now though she was still stuck in the house in boredom;there wasn't any clocks in the living room so Nadia didn't know exactly how long but she estimated she had been in the playpen for at least 35 minutes.

35 minutes of just examining the toy looking at all the tiny details such as the patterns on the fur to try keep herself entertained.

Nothing had really happened except now when Natasha said she had to leave for training and that she'd be back as soon as possible,she kissed Wanda on the cheek before walking over to the playpen.She knelt over the playpen wall and kissed Nadia on the head who just scrunched her face in response making Nat chuckle as she left the house bidding them both a goodbye.

The kiss on forehead should've just meant nothing but it left a sickly feeling in the smaller girls stomach;the only people in her life who kissed her on the forehead were her parents her real parents.

She tried shaking it off and tried distracting herself with her stuffed dog Max once again.

Wanda looked at the small girl from her seat on the couch she'd been occupied for the past while emailing the Avengers about work related things since her and Nat wouldn't be attending any meetings for 2 weeks as they'd taken some time off due to Nadia they would still go for training and urgent matters incase it came up but otherwise they were free to spend all their time with Nadia.

As she was finished emailing them for now she decided she'd go spend some time with her baby, Wanda got up from the couch and walked over to the playpen picking up Nadia by under her armpits and placing her on her hip.

The girl was secretly thankful to not have to lay there for another second but in her arms lacked her stuffed new friend, "i need to get max" she said as she looked at wanda;the avenger gave her a confused look asking "honey who's max?" to which the girl promptly pointed at the toy dog that sat next to where she had laid.

"silly me,can't forget max now can we?" she said to her in a childish tone as she bent down grabbing the stuffed dog to give to Nadia who gratefully took the toy in her arms.

The woman didn't know the backstory behind why she had chosen the stuffed toy she just thought of it as Nadia seeking for a comfort item like all children did.It gave her a slight feeling of accomplishment seeing Nadia find one so soon she felt like a proud parent but if she had known the reasoning behind why the girl chose it she would definitely not be so happy.

Wanda decided that they could colour it sounded like a calm activity so she'd decided to ask the girl not like she had a choice they were doing it whether she wanted to or not although this way it made the girl think she made the choice herself. "wanna colour baby? i can get the crayons and pencils out,get some pretty pictures and get you some juice huh?"she said in a condescending tone that annoyed the girl.

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