chapter 58

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*third person pov*

Nadia forced Sam to colour with her although there wasn't much force involved as he barely protested wanting to do whatever to make the girl happy.

Everytime he tried bringing up Lexi in the conversation he was cut off quickly and the girl changed the subject again,talking about Lexi was the opposite of a distraction so she shut it down every single time.

Now they were both in Sam's bedroom together "I'm going for a shower now will you be okay alone?" he asked making Nadia look up from her phone with an unimpressed look "I know I know you can take care of yourself but if you need anything tell Friday to get Pepper okay?" Sam said and she nodded looking back at my phone.

He however didn't leave the room and she knew what he wanted "yes fine if I need anything I'll get pepper" Nadia said rolling her eyes.

Being pleased with her answer he finally left the room leaving her alone.

There wasn't much she could do on my phone,playing games on it had quickly become boring and it wasn't as if there was many people she could even text.

One person she could text however there was Cassidy whose number she had saved in her phone,she had made sure to put it into her phone as soon as she got it because she didn't want to risk losing her number.

'Hey is this Cassidy? If so this is Nadia:) I hope you're doing well after all I bombarded you with, I wish you the best and I'm always here if you need anything<3


She sent the text as soon as she had typed it,she didn't want to stress too much over it so she didn't give herself time to reconsider which was the best option in her mind.

Now waiting for the text she placed the phone down on the bed and stood up.

Nadia stretched slightly as she stood up,she felt slightly cold so she decided to get the hoodie that had been discarded and put it in herself;she smiled at still being able to smell Natasha's scent on it slightly even after it had been washed.

Being bored she decided that she wanted to explore the place as she'd never really been left alone like this when they had babysat her.

Feeling curious about the Tony's workshop that the man was always presumably gone to she decided to ask Friday how to get there.

"Friday?" she hesitantly asked looking up at the ceiling assuming it was somewhere there "hello Miss Maximoff-Romanoff how may I assist you?" the voice came out of nowhere making her jump slightly.

She was still hesitant to answer however she did "directions to Mr Stark's worship please?" she stated but it sounded more like a question because of her uncertainty.

"Sending request to Mr Stark" Friday's monotone voice said making the girl panic "wait no!" she exclaimed even though it was too late.

The girl sat there in panic,she wouldn't be punished for being curious right?

"Permission has been given by Mr Stark and I will guide you there now" Friday told her surprising her as she hadn't expected for him to let her go into his personal workspace.

she quietly sighed "guess I have to go now" she mumbled


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