chapter 28

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*Nadia's pov*

I've been awake for a few minutes now stuck in the crib theres not much i can do though,it feels weird staring at them sleeping but i dont want to disturb them by waking them up so all i can really do is lean back and hope they wake up soon.

I suck on the pacifer that was placed in the crib trying to find any way to pass the time.

Theres not much point trying to get out of the crib there would be no way of sneaking past them both and even if i did that how could i open the door without making noise?

Its uncomfortable having to sit there whilst wearing a wet diaper;on most days Natasha or Wanda would wake me up so i didn't have to deal with the uncomfortableness as by the time i was fully awake i was already changed which made it somewhat okay.

However there was still no signs of either of them waking up so there was no chance of that.

A couple months ago i was stressing about having to write 5 page essays in a night that i had held off until the day before the due date in college and now my biggest worry was a wet diaper.

'living the life' i sarcastically thought to myself.

The sound of the bedroom door opening brought me out of my miserable thinking,i perked up seeing a figure that turned out to be Sam walking in putting his finger over his lips telling me to be silent,probably so we dont wake up the other two.

He walked over picking me up and silently left the room taking me to the kitchen with him, "i thought i'd go in and check on you good thing i did huh? can't have the princess being bored,can we?" he said making me slightly laugh.I dont know why i took a liking to sam but he made everything seem better when he was around.

"before we get started on your breakfast i should change you" Sam said making me blush at the reminder that i was wearing a diaper.


*third person pov*

After dealing with the embarrasing changing situation the rest of the morning went well,Sam let Nadia help him make breakfast which is something she'd never done before here;helping make meals.It made her feel sort of like an adult.

Like the responsible and independent adult she used to be.

The pair ate their breakfast together with Nadia being allowed to feed herself which was another thing she enjoyed with being around.

Then the rest of their time was spent together with them in the living room watching tv but mostly them playing around on the couch together as he found it entertaining tickling her making her burst out into giggles and try squirming away.

Pepper had been slightly panicked when she woke up seeing the girl was gone,the panic was quickly washed away when she walked out of the room hearing the laughter of both of them.

Before even realising it they'd been in there for over an hour and now Wanda and Natasha would be picking up the girl soon already on their way there.

Currently Sam was holding the girl over his left shoulder whilst being stood up with her upper body being across his back as she moved around trying to get down "stop it! stop!" Nadia said laughing.

Then she heard the sound of footsteps making her stop moving and look towards the sound.

Natasha and Wanda had walked in seeing the cute sight of their baby and Sam messing around together with her upside down,once the girl saw the women she stopped laughing and started trying to get up for real wanting to see the women;Sam saw the reason for the girls lack of laughter now and put her down.

She ran to both of the women as soon as her feet touched the ground making them quietly scold her for running,not that she was bothered.

When she reached the women she was engulfed in a hug by Natasha who picked her up kissing her on the forehead "i missed you so much babygirl" Nat told her but Nadia didn't say anything just enjoying the hug.

"room for one more in there?" Wanda said jokingly as she joined in on the hug.

The hug lasted for a couple more minutes with Wanda pulling away and pickingd up Nadia off Natasha wanting to hold her baby.

Nadia didn't mind being taken off Natasha as she also missed Wanda,she put her head into the womans shoulder "i missed you mama" she mumbled with her arms around her;both women smiled hearing her say that.

Now feeling slightly awkward Sam slightly coughed drawing attention to himself "well now i can stop feeling like a third wheel can i say goodbye to Nadia before you leave?" he said.

The women laughed at his words "we've got to say goodbye to Pepper as well and thank her so no rush but of course you can come say bye to her" Natasha said as she walked off going to find Pepper who was probably busy working like usual.

Sam walked over picking the girl up off Wanda "it seems she really likes you" Wanda observed seeing the girl accept Sam's hug "what can i say? im a ladies man" he joked.

They enjoyed their hug for a few moments before Natasha and Pepper appeared.

"bye bye Nadia" Pepper said childishly at the girl stroking her cheek although Nadia didn't appreciate her touch as much as she did Sam's;she didn't mind it but she didn't feel as comfortable with her yet.

Nadia said goodbye to both her and Sam,Wanda picked her back up now being ready to leave and once the women said goodbye to the pair the trio left together.

Nadia stayed silent on the way down enjoying Wanda's warmth in the chilliness.


*Nadia's pov*

We were now in the car listening to some music on the radio as Natasha drove us home,i felt embarrassed at the way i acted earlier.

Why did i cry last night over missing the women?

I did not need them not at all,not now and not in a million years by crying at the lack of their presence i was showing them i was their baby who wanted them and needed them which i did not!


Those were the words radiating in my head now that i was thinking clearly being back in their presence.

Was i developing stockholm syndrome? i'd heard about it when reading up on true crime reports but i always thought it was so stupid how could you sympathise with your kidnappers?

Thats all these women were! kidnappers.

No no no no no,this could not be happening to me im supposed to be brave and strong not a weak baby who cries for her mommy and mama;i'm Nadia Lourde a 19 year old college student who gets near perfect scores in everything and i know how to take care of myself,i didn't need anybody.

Yet here i was trying to act all tough but the moment they so much as leave i begin crying wishing they were back?

Maybe i wasn't Nadia Lourde anymore,maybe i was Nadia Maximoff-Romanoff.

Nadia Maximoff-Romanoff,the poor defenceless baby who needed her 'parents' protection from the big scary monsters and who needed her 'parents' to be by her side whilst she cried over nightmares.

If i wasn't Nadia Lourde then who was i anymore? what did i even have anymore? i had nothing.

Nobody cared about me i'd been out multiple times and not one person had realised i was the missing girl;did my family and friends not even care enough to report me as missing? had they given up hope? without them caring i had no hope they were my last chance,i really did have nothing now.

People with nothing are the most destructive though as they have nothing to lose...


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