chapter 1

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Me and my friend Olivia were walking home together in a comfortable silence from hourish long coffee meetup i haven't seen her in 2 weeks due to the fact that christmas and new years just passed she doesn't see her family much because of the distance so she had decided to stay longer at home which i understand.

I'm so glad shes back though now at our coffee 'date' on two seperate times i had accidentally spit my beverage out from laughter resulting in a bit of embarasment after as i had drawn attention to myself; its not my fault though shes just a bubbly person with a great sense of humour who could blame me really!

i felt a nudge on my arm which brought me out of my daydreaming state surprising me a little before i just realised it was liv "earth to nad? we're at my apartment now bye" she said while starting to give me a hug which i returned, "bye love you i'll text you tomorrow" by the time i had said that she was already opening the doors to her apartment while i was stood right outside alone in the cold. Now i get to walk home in the freezing weather all by myself while its practically pitch black excluding the dim street lights lucky me...

Being a young woman in the city walking home was scary especially at night but it was nothing i couldn't handle i've done it many times,although this time it felt different like somebody was watching me.

The nerves of someone watching me made me look up and around at my surroundings but the only people around were two women in front of me who both looked seemingly normal except for the red hair which i felt envious for with my basic brunette locks; them being around had eased my worries so i continued walking with my hands in the pockets trying to escape the cold i watched the two women disappear around the corner that the street connected to, now i was completely alone.

As i rounded the corner the two women were stood there it scared me making me temporarily unable to move because of shock,they had used this time to their advantage one of them pinned my arms behind my back while the other put a cloth near my mouth by then my adreline had kicked in so i was kicking and trying to scream but all it had done was make me inhale whatever substance maybe chloroform? that was on the cloth. My vision had gone blurry and weakened my movements all i could do was accept my fate while i fell into one of their arms trying to makeout their faces as i succumbed to the darkness.


*Natashas pov*

I smiled at Wanda as i watched Nadia fall unconscious slipping into dreamland in my arms while i was listening to her steady breathing, "we finally have her" i said gleefully.

"yes we do nat" she said while returning the smile,at that moment we both looked at eachother with pure happiness in our eyes as we had everything we wanted which was eachother and now Nadia the third piece to our completed puzzle.

We walked to our car in a silence that emited nothing except pure love and care; Wanda opened the back cardoor for me so i could place Nadia in her carseat and strap her in securely she was only a baby we have to make sure shes safe at all times,as soon as i gently shut the door i was engulfed into a hug and drawn into a passionate kiss by Wanda which lasted for a couple of minutes before we both got into the car,me in the drivers seat and Wanda in the passenger side. Before we set off we shared one final look back seeing Nadias head against the seat as she gave soft snores.She's the one.

*skip to after car ride*

We both got out of the car stretching our limbs as being sat in a car for 30 minutes isn't ideal for anybody trained assassin or not, "can you get her and go inside while I lock the car?" I ask knowing Wanda has been dying to hold her since we got in the car or well since the first time we saw her; to answer my question Wanda just nods as she smiles and opens the door gently picking up Nadia holding her like you would an infant as soon as she's picked up Nadia cuddles into Wanda for warmth making her coo at her.

Watching Wanda and Nadia go into the house brings a warm feeling into my heart for once in my life I feel complete and content.

I come out of my little love trance and lock the car door walking inside the house,when I step in the house I take off my shoes Wanda insists on it she always says some bullshit about shoes 'dirtying' up the floors it's no use to argue with her about it she is even more stubborn than I am.

Wanda and Nadia are no where in sight which leads me to believe she's already took Nadia up to her nursery probably changing her into some age appropriate clothes and getting her ready for bed as it's already way past her bedtime.

My suspicions are correct as I walk up the stairs I see the nursery door open and the lights on,I walk in to find Nadia strapped to the changing table wearing an adorable long sleeved plain pastel pink onesie with an obvious bulge underneath and then a white pacifier saying 'baby' on the front of it is placed in between her lips bobbing up and down as she delicately suckles.

It just proves it even if she doesn't know it she is just a baby at heart.A baby who needs her mommy and mama to protect her and care for her.

I finally see Wanda as she walks back into the room from the small walk in closet with a pair of mittens in her hands, "I thought I'd just get them because you never know what she's going to be like when she wakes up" she explains herself "I doubt she'll be complaint she's nearly as stubborn as her mama" I say looking at Wanda.

"I can't wait for her to call us mommy and mama" Wanda says as she gently starts removing all the straps on Nadia after shes places the mittens on her and then once they're all removed she picks her up walks across the room into the crib where she previously lowered the bars. "I can't wait either" I reply walking over to them she smiles at me as I place the blankets over Nadia who's still just snoring away.

Wanda places a kiss on her head and whispers "goodnight baby girl" when she steps away I do the same but instead kiss her on the cheek after that I place the bars back up ensuring she won't be able to get out of her crib in the morning.

I see Wanda double checking the baby monitor is on she's a worrier like that always double checking everything it's one of the things that I love about her.

We both walk to the door where I turn the light off making it so that the small nightlight is the only light in the room, we both walk out the door and I close it "this is the start of our new life" I say to Wanda it's clear that she's just as happy as me "we better head to bed we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow" Wanda states making me nod in agreement.

Sweet little Nadia is gonna have quite the shock tomorrow.


Authors note

Song suggestion: medicine by daughter

This is the main song I rlly used to listen to when writing 'I never asked for this', it's an all time favourite and it's a rlly good song. Go give it a listen if you want!

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