chapter 40

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*third person pov*

Nadia's happiness was short-lived with the women because as soon as she got back into the house her mood suddenly dulled,the house held so many bad memories specifically right before she left for her.

"We need to talk" Wanda plainly said leaving no room for argument on the statement

The girl nodded and held Natasha's hand as she walked into the living room,she sat down on the couch with the women doing the same with Nadia being sat in the middle.

"We know how unhappy you are Nadia and we want to try help you" Wanda said with a hint of hopefulness in her voice as she looked at the girl who nodded to her words still choosing not to speak.

There was no indication on the girls face on how she was feeling "Nadia we're sorry we've let it get to this point and we're sorry about the well uhm unusual circumstances" Natasha said "and by unusual circumstances don't you just mean kidnapping and forcing me to act as a child? because if so then yes then it is unusual circumstances'" Nadia replied

If they were going to talk Nadia was going to make her point clear.

Both women sighed "well yes but-" Natasha said "but nothing,thats what happened no point of trying to twist the truth" the girl replied with a smile.

"Nadia we want to be fully honest with you now,no lies anymore" Wanda said continuing on with their original conversation plan "so i can ask anything?" the brunette replied inquisitively "im assuming you want to ask something so go ahead" Wanda encouraged.

After looking in her eyes for confirmation she decided to ask her question "when did you..first see me?" she said

You could see both of them were a bit taken back by this question "i think last August?" Natasha said making the girls stomach drop "we saw you at dinner with a woman,we didn't really notice you until she started arguing with you causing a scene in the restaurant and then she stormed out leaving you" she said "lexi" the girl muttered.

That night at the restaurant she had met up with her sister and all was well until Lexi ordered a glass of wine which Nadia reprimanded her for which made Lexi argue with her about how she was 'better',not that it was the truth she was slipping back into old habits.

"You had such a pained look on your face as you stayed and ate dinner alone,we wanted to go and comfort you but we didn't want to scare you;you looked so...innocent" Natasha said.

The woman smiled at Wanda recalling the memory "we were so entranced by you,you had this certain charm to you and then when you went to the bathroom i followed you hoping to make conversation however i ended up hearing you crying to somebody over the phone about your..sister" Wanda spoke the other half of the story.

Hearing the story made the girl feel sick,she'd been watched for all of those months...?

"So you stalked me?" Nadia said bluntly "it wasn't stalking we were just keeping an eye on you" Natasha tried to justify "yes and you did that by stalking me" she said bluntly again.

She was so confused about how they talked about the story like it was some sweet moment for the trio when in reality the girl was having a shitty night because her sister relapsed and they happened to find her sadness intriguing.

"All we wanted to do was make sure you were okay,hearing your sobs in the bathroom broke my heart and you sounded so helpless" the scarlet witch said trying to explain their actions "when we found out about the rest of it Nadia we were so concerned,nobody should have to go through all that let alone a 19 year old girl".

Strangely the girl had an amused look on her face "so you wanted to play hero? i didn't need rescuing like a damsel in distress i was fine" Nadia said rolling her eyes.

To be honest Nadia found that part funny "did you think you could 'rescue' me and expect me to bow down at your feet when you kidnapped me?" she spoke with sarcasm lacing her voice doing hand gestures she said 'rescue', "Nadia none of it was about that,we wanted to give you happiness" Wanda told her "but not once have you asked what i wanted?" the girl simply said.

"ironic how you want me to be happy yet you've never asked what i actually wanted,go on ask it" Nadia dared making both women eye eachother before Natasha complied "and what do you want Nadia?"

The girl smiled "i want my family back,the very thing you took me away from" she answered "but don't you understand that your family is the very reason you were in that much pain? your family did nothing except destroy you" Wanda said to the girl.

A couple tears were welling up in her eyes "do you know what its like to have your family stripped away from you? i miss them so damn much" Nadia replied.

Wanda knew what the girl felt like....

"Nadia i understand where your coming from" she said attempting to comfort the girl but the girl just laughed in her face "so thats what this is about? your mommy and daddy didn't love you enough so when you saw me you thought you could be better than your own parents?" she laughed.

The woman was shocked at the girls comment "none of that is right" Wanda said defending herself "so you're saying im wrong about the whole projection thing? because by your defensive tone i can tell you're lying" she said making the woman go silent.

She smirked seeing the womans shocked face "aww so do you love me like you wished your parents loved you?" she teased "Nadia!" Wanda warned becoming more and more upset

This made the girl carry on "were you jealous at the fact that my REAL parents loved me so much that they helped me in any way possible? did your mommy and daddy never hug you and tell you how much they loved you? because mine did" she kept on teasing.

"Nadia stop!" Wanda tried warning again "did you have any siblings? did they never hug you and care about you like Lexi did to me? im sorry that your whole family was a fucking trainwreck but that didn't mean you had to destroy mine!" the brunette said hitting a sore spot for the woman.

In a split second a ruby coloured blast hit one of the pillows the other couch leaving it with a hole right through the middle,the girl was too shocked to move as Wanda stormed out.

She couldn't help but stare at the pillow and the burnt edges around the hole.

"Nadia look at me right now!" Natasha commanded angrily not condoning the girls outburst at the slightest,what she did was out of order.

Being scared Nadia followed her orders and looked at Nat "now Nadia i have a deal for you,if you can do it i promise we'll let you go and you can live the rest of your life in peace,that sounds good right?" she said making the girl nod.

"and well if you fail then you're going go up those stairs,apologise to Wanda and then im going to spank your ass until its red;that sounds like a fair deal right?" the girl nodded not knowing what would happen if she didn't "good,you didn't have a choice anyway" Natasha mumbled.

The girl sat and waited for whatever Natasha was going to say next thinking it was going to be something brutal,she did not expect her next words.

Natasha made direct eye contact with the girl "Nadia i want you to look me in the eyes and honestly say to me that you have no sort of love whatsoever for me and Wanda;should be simple if you hate us so much right?" Natasha said "and if you can then i promise you that you can use my phone straight after to call your parents" she promised.

Nadia sat there in complete and utter shock thinking about her next words.


Authors note

Song suggestion: my mother & I by Lucy dacus

Having a complicated relationship with your mother, there's themes of body image and feeling trapped inside of your body. Wanting eternal love<33

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