chapter 15

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*third person pov*

A couple days had passed since the day she tried to escape and she had to admit it was getting easier when she had let the funny feeling take control but she couldn't allow herself to be overtaken by it so she couldn't fully submit to it,she still had so much uncontrolled anger in her.

Both women had gone back to work the only good part was it wasn't a normal job where they had to be there practically all the time.

Nadia has also met a few more members of the avengers that had visited.

In the few days they'd been back she had gotten a babysitter her name was Evelyn who was about Nadia's real age,The young adult seemed nice enough the worst thing about her was that she treated Nadia younger than her given age even was.

She was so baby crazy and obsessive over everything it made Natasha and Wanda seem like a complete walk in the park,The brunette was honestly just thankful she wasn't psycho or anything she could be worse.

At the moment Wanda and Natasha were at a meeting so Nadia was laid on her stomach in the playpen sucking on a pacifier that Evelyn insisted to be used she wasn't allowed to colour apparently she was "too small".

The most she could do was play with stuffed animals not even barbies cause the'parts were too small'.

A thing she hated was that with Evelyn the girl was trapped with her own thoughts that would get her all stressed out and then at the same time she had to act like a damn baby it was so exhausting.

"Nadia? Nadia?" Evelyn said as Nadia finally looked up getting her mind back into reality "is your diaper wet hmm?" she asked almost as if she was talking to herself as she picked up the girl.

That was another frustrating thing she was spoken to like a pet by her.

Her diaper did actually end up being wet though it still embarrased Nadia when it happened without her even noticing;she didn't know about the bladder weakening pills and was convinced she was doing it to herself which made it seem so much worse.

Evelyn made her way to Nadia's nursery with Nadia on her hip she was constant cooing at her even when they were walking.

calm down,calm down,calm down the girl told herself as she sucked the pacifer she hadn't gotten in trouble for days and she didn't want to start now all she wanted was the babysitter to shut up her perky voice was so annoying,a lot of things were annoying her she never used to be this irritable but its like her temper had turned into a toddlers,ironic.

The diaper change was managable she just had to zone out while the girl spoke to herself and pretend to laugh when she was tickled.

Yet again after she was taken back to the playpen this time when she tried reaching for max Evelyn grabbed him confusing the girl.

"why dont you try playing with your other stuffed animals and give this one a break huh" she said putting max on the coffee table;this obviously upset the girl max had grown to be the only normal seeming thing in this and he was her friend whenever she was stressed about everything she could hug him.

Nadia snapped at this taking out the pacifer to make herself seem more serious "yeah well why dont you stop acting like a fucking cheerleader and give me him back" she said mocking Evelyns perky tone.

At just the right moment the women walked in through the front door seeing the shocked look on Evelyn's face and the proud one on Nadia's it didn't take a genuis to realise what happened.

The three women discussed what had happened after Nadia was placed in the timeout corner for the time being,she heard parts of what the women said it was all bullshit really Evelyn took the one thing she had and she acted by getting mad like a normal person would.

Finally the sound of the door closing happened signalling Evelyn was gone,good riddance.

Her timeout lasted for a few more minutes before Natasha came and squatted down beside her "wanna tell me what happened?" she asked in a calm down "she took max" Nadia mumbled looking at Natasha.

"its not okay to shout at anybody whatsoever though even if she took max next time tell her and the next time she comes you're apologising understand?" Nat said firmly.

Nadia nodded and hugged Natasha to be honest she'd missed her or part of her had.Natasha picked up Nadia tickling her stomach slightly "do you wanna go colour now baby?" she said smiling after hearing the girls laugh,Nadia nodded and they walked over to the coffee table.


Turns out the next morning there was a valid reason for her moodiness yesterday,she woke up uncomfortable with the chills and feeling sick so she began crying out.

Wanda walked into the room catching the upsetting sight of Nadia a ghostly pale it was clear the girl wasn't well.Before going over to the girl she grabbed the trash can from the other side of the room just in case.

Her intuition was right because sure enough shortly after she'd lowered the crib bars Nadia began throwing up in it,Wanda could do nothing except pat her back waiting for the girl to finish so she could change Nadia into something cooler to help with the fever.

At last the brunette stopped violently throwing up and was now left with a sore throat and shivers.

There was no time wasted as Wanda changed her,she didn't want the girl to feel anymore discomfort than she was already feeling but she had to take her temprature;thankfully she'd used a mouth themometer.

When it beeped she took it out she sighed in relief seeing the numbers it wasn't anything serious probably and would probably clear in a couple of days with medicine.

The poor girl was too out of it to care as she was picked up by Wanda she just hid her face in her neck closing her eyes while the woman walked out in the hallway and to the kitchen downstairs.

"Natasha could you get the medicine from the counter" Wanda asked having her arms occupied.

Obviously Natasha oblieged quickly getting up and grabbing it from the cabinet pouring a dose into a plastic syringe "Nads can you open your mouth for me?" she questioned at the girl whose head was still hidden,Wanda gently moved Nadia so her head was visible making her whine.

She opened her mouth swallowing the medicine straight after wanting her head back in the warmth.

They decided to let her skip breakfast just this once because she didn't feel like eating as long as she kept drinking from her sippy cup keeping her hydrated,she happily sat on Wanda's lap while Wanda and Natasha ate their own breakfast.

Shortly after once they both finished Natasha took Nadia as Wanda swiftly washed up the plates before leaving for her training leaving the other two at home.

Nadia didn't feel like doing anything except being held or laying down so Natasha turned on a kids show for her to watch,she made sure the girl was drinking enough every couple of minutes roughly she would bring the sippy cup to her mouth some times which she accepted other times where she weakly shook her head turning back to the tv.

Half paying attention to the tv she layed there on Nat's lap as the medicine was slowly taking its toll making her feel slightly better.

She guessed today would be a sort of a break for her then,a break from trying to plan her escape.It was a temporary setback that could also work in her favour to gain their trust more,a part of her felt bad for thinking of the women like that she tried shaking it away.


Authors note

Song suggestion: kissing lessons by Lucy Dacus

A sapphic song!!! About Lucy's experience with a girl she knew as a child, and the way that she had a crush on this girl, but they were too young to acknowledge it. Her wondering if the other girl considers her to be her first kiss:)

I never asked for thisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ