chapter 34

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*Wanda's pov*

I stood up holding Nadia in my arms even in her sleeping state the look of distress was evident on her face.

"Its already 7:30pm so we may as well put her to bed for the night,the drugs should stay in her system for a couple of hours" Nat said beside me looking over the girl,Natasha had a sad smile on her face;I knew that seeing Nadia in so much emotional pain hurt her.

Nodding we walked upstairs once we reached Nadia's door though i paused in front of it "she should sleep in our room tonight,what about if she wakes up and hurts herself?" i say paranoid.

Knowing how worried i can get Nat thankfully agreed.

After all the events of today i didn't want Nadia to be alone,asleep or not.

Placing her on the bed me and Nat started getting changed into our pyjamas deciding we'd go to bed earlier tonight "i wish Nadia could realise its not her fault,her sisters an addict and it was going to happen eventually she knows that deep down" i said adjusting my shirt.

"You know its more complicated than that Wanda" Nat replied justifying Nadia's side of things "i know that but why can't she realise her sister isn't a good person" i said getting annoyed.

Lexi was a selfish and vain person there was no better way to put it,she used Nadia whenever she felt like it and left whenever she wanted not caring whatsoever about anybody else except herself all whilst Nadia was too nice to care.Honestly if she wasn't so important to Nadia i probably would've killed her by now.

She hurts everybody in her path:Nadia,her parents and all her friends.

I felt a hand on my arm "Wanda calm down,being angry wont change anything and Nadia is never going to see Lexi again,the only love she needs now is ours" Nat reassured.

"you're right im sorry Nat" i said running my fingers through my hair "im just overthinking it all"

Nat gave me a kiss before going to turn the bedroom lights off as i got into bed with her joining a couple seconds later,i make sure Nadia's cuddled into me wanting her close to me;with all thats been going on she hasn't exactly been in the mood for me or Nat's touch.

As i lay there watching Nadia sleep i see Nat also beginning to fall asleep as well.

Deciding i should do the same i kiss Nadia on the forehead and lean over giving Nat a kiss on the cheek before going back to my spot on the bed,i run my hands down Nadia's hair.

Nadia being mad at us was inevitable but it still hurt for the timebeing when all me and Nat wanted to do was shower her with love "goodnight baby" i whispered into Nadia's ear which made her slightly stir however after a second she went back to sleep.


*third person pov*

The next morning the girl woke up first however she didn't open her eyes or anything,she didn't want to so much as even move she was so mentally drained after yesterday.

With every breath she took it felt like there was rocks on her chest holding her lungs down.

Yesterday made everything sink so much more in for her,the fact that her parents on the tv was probably the last time she would ever even see them;the last time she would ever see her parents was them talking about her death.

On the talk about 'parents' she could start to feel and hear movement around her which hinted towards her being in the womens bed,she wished they would leave her alone.

As the movement continued and more light was welcomed into the room by the curtains being opened Nadia turned her face hiding it in the pillow,the sunlight was not cutting it as the girl wanted to be in complete darkness;she wanted the light to reflect her mood.

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