chapter 25

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*Nadia's pov*

I went to the slide getting ready to go down giving up on looking around anymore I sighed putting my legs onto the slide.

Suddenly I felt a push making me quietly yelp and slide down.

Looking back up I saw the smirk of Jaxx "you didn't like my game of hide and seek huh?" he said laughing and going down the slide joining me at the bottom.

As soon as he reached the bottom i gave him a glare "asshole" i said through my teeth.

"come on lets go play in the sandbox!" he said happily holding my hand dragging me over like he was a child who was excited to play with his new friend? He's one of the most confusing people i've ever met i can confidently say that.

When he dragged me over to the sandbox i understood why he took me over;it was the furthest place from the adults view so there was no way they'd be able to hear us talking.

He sat down on the sand and i slowly followed him sitting carefully not wanting to get sand all over myself "you really think i'd leave you after bombarding you?" he asked genuinely as if he was my friend or something.

I shrugged "well whilst being here its not as if theres been people who i can trust why would you be any different" i said.

Jaxx had a look of empathy on his face "Nadia i know what its like being here,fear and trust issues are basically my best friends now;i wouldn't leave you" he said reaching my gaze.

It might be a stupid mistake to trust him but he was my first real ally here.

"...thank you" i said not really knowing how else to respond,we sat in silence for a few minutes neither of us knowing what to say until he finally spoke "us normal ones gotta stick together right?" he said with a half smile putting his pinky out.

I held my pinky out interlocking it with his shaking it before pulling it away fiddling with my hands on my lap.


*third person pov*

The pair began lightly chuckling at their childish antics.

"So now we're done with the kid stuff how old are you Nadia?" he questioned wanting to know more about his new friend "19 what about you?" she replied curious about Jaxx.

He thought about it in his head for a moment "recently 21 im pretty sure" the boy responded.

Nadia nodded at that deciding to ask her own question now "so how was your life before here?" she asked not knowing if the question was suitable or not regarding their situation but she really wanted to know his past life.

"uhm deadbeat parents,lived with my girlfriend and i went to NYU-" he tried responded before being cut off "really? i went to NYU too" the girl said having a smile on her face at the mention.

"so as i was saying before you rudely interrupted i went to NYU and that pretty much summarises a majority of it,what about you little miss perky?" he said teasing her excited attitude.

She rolled her eyes at the nickname "as you already know i go to...or well went to NYU and both my parents are still married i also have a sister" she said,the mention of her family made her eyes tear up she missed them.

Not really knowing how to comfort her he sort of just sat there.

Wiping away the tears she tried putting on a brave-face not wanting to be emotional in front of her new friend.

new friend had a nice ring to it she thought to herself.

"so why are you here then? any type of family trauma? abusive partners?" he asked nonchalantly "what?" she responded not knowing what he was talking about; "nothing what major did you take at NYU?" he said changing the subject.

Not knowing whether to pry or not she answered his question about her major.


Nadia and Jaxx enjoyed eachothers company asking eachother questions about their lives getting to know eachother more,it was a nice break for the girl.

Their conversation was cut off by Jaxx's 'mommy' coming over to check up on him,in a split of a second Nadia saw Jaxx's whole personality and attitude change "mommy!" he said getting up and hugging her.

"how's my baby boy?" she cooed kissing him on the head.

He giggled letting go of her"mommy look i've made a new friend,can we have a playdate soon pretty please?" Jaxx said making the womans eyes divert to the small brunette sat down timidly not knowing what to do "hello what's your name" she asked squatting down.

"..Nadia" the girl replied standing up as the woman talking to her so childishly made her feel small.

Even with the girl stood up the woman was still taller than her by far.

"Oh my what a pretty name for a pretty little girl,wheres your parents Nadia?" the woman asked wanting to get their numbers for a future playdate.

The girl didn't speak however she started walking towards them making the pair follow.

When they made it over to Wanda and Natasha the girl recieved a hug from both women who somehow had 'missed' her in the short time they'd been away.

All the 'parents' began talking to eachother discussing parenting stuff or whatever else;Nadia didn't bother paying attention whilst she was sat on Natasha's lap being placed there after arriving.

One of the only things on her mind was Jaxx she watched his new behaviour,he was acting like a child.

He was acting as if he was there by choice?

It was so confusing for Nadia who knew it was all an act but he was one hell of an actor that made it all seem so convincing.

After a while she was made to say goodbye to Jaxx who hugged her making her slightly uncomfortable at the sudden touch from a new person she however hugged back,it made all the women coo and awe.

They'd left the trio going back home.

Shortly after they'd also done the same going back to the car beginning to drive home as well.

On the car ride home she couldn't help but try to piece together what Jaxx meant before he changed the subject when he asked why she was there?

In her old life she was happy,everything seemed to go her way back then.


Authors note

A suggestion from my friend!
Val, Song suggestion: White Ferrari by Frank Ocean

It's been a long ride, with its good and equally bad moments. It's reminiscent of a relationship that has come to pass, and ponders words that have went unspoken now that it's too late.

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