chapter 32

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*third person pov*

The girl woke up hazy from the drugs trying to roll over onto her side although something was stopping arms from moving.

She tried to tug her arms away from whatever was holding her down it wasn't working though.

Opening her eyes in panic she caught sight of her arms tied down onto the crib bars from either side,on her left arm there was a bandage over the cut she had acquired during her breakdown in the bathroom.

Quite quickly the anger she had haboured before was coming rushing back to her at a fast pace "Untie me you monsters!" she screamed knowing the women were listening in or at least watching her actions "if you dont untie me i'll-" her yelling was cut off by the door opening.

"Nadia calm down" Wanda spoke as her and Natasha walked over with Nat having some stuff in her hands that the girl couldn't quite depict.

Nadia shot the women a death glare "calm down? yeah maybe i'll fucking calm down once you bitches untie me!" she said beginning to try thrash her way out of the ropes;not that it was working.

A sigh escaped Natasha's lips and Wanda rubbed her temples "calm down and then we can talk like civilized people Nadia" Natasha said to the girl looking down upon her.

'civilized people?' the girl thought to herself,the women were quite the opposite from that.

Holding back sarcastic laughter Nadia sucked up the remarks she could've made;she didn't want to be tied down any longer than she already had been "fine" she grumbled laying still to show the women she was going to co-operate.

For that she recieved a small smile off Wanda and the same resigned look off Natasha "we can either talk here with you still tied down..or go down to the living room to talk but-" Wanda said.

Cutting her off Nadia quickly answered "living room!" the ropes were hurting her wrists.

"as i was saying before you interrupted me if you want us to untie you then you have to wear these..." Wanda said pointing at the thing in Natasha's hand which were a pair of mittens;they didn't look babyish or anything they looked...scary to the girl it was something you'd put on a mental asylum patient.

The girl begun shaking her head not liking either of the options "im not going to hurt you! i dont need those! i promise i wont try anything" she plead.

This time Natasha's facial expression had changed turning into a pitying look "we aren't worried about you hurting us Nadia...we're worried about you hurting yourself,you're a danger to yourself" Natasha said to Nadia who looked back up at her confused.

"im not some nutcase! im fine i swear! im a responsible adult!" she argued back starting to get herself worked up again,her heart rate was speeding up and more fear setting in.

Both women shot her worried looks seeing her getting distressed again.

She tried thrashing again even when she felt the ropes burning against her wrist at the friction,she had to show them she was responsible! she didn't need mittens nor did she need to be tied down;she could be trusted and she could prove it to them.

"Nadia if you don't stop i wont hesitate to drug you again" Wanda threatened having had enough of seeing Nadia's sad attempt to free herself,the girl paused looking at her.

All her fighting stopped she didn't want to be drugged she wanted answers- no needed answers now!.

Seeing the stern expressions on the womens faces she knew she wasn't going to win this argument "put the damn things on my hands then" she mumbled feeling too humilated to say it out loud,Wanda gave her a condescending smile untying the ropes and swiftly putting the mittens on her hands,she sat up finally being able to move.

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