Tao to the rescue

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TW: Bullying, homophobia, transphobia

A/N: it's a shorter one but I hope you guys like it!

Charlie sat down beside Elle and looked at her in worry, "You alright? You seem down this morning?" He asked. The two sat together in the morning before class started every day. They barely left each other's side, being the targets of the Truham bullies.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just nervous about going to Higgs next term. Yes, I want to leave Truham, but I'm going to miss you and Tao a lot." Elle ranted.

Charlie pouted and hugged Elle close, "Oh, you are going to thrive at Higgs I just know it. You deserve to go there. It'll be better for you with how people treat you here." He rambled, trying to make her feel better.

Elle smiled softly and sunk into his arms, "Thanks, Char. I just needed some reassurance." She admitted.

Charlie smiled in return and nodded,
happy that he could make her feel better. That smile soon faded as one of the most annoying guys of all time walked over. He just loved to bother them whenever he got the chance to.

"Well look who it is, the two freaks." He hummed as he approached. Elle drew a sharp breath, not in the mood for this.

"Well look who it is, a guy who finds it funny to bully people because he has nothing better to do with his life." Charlie sassed, staring at him.

He did not like that. The bully grabbed Charlie and shoved him into the picnic table causing him to hit his side against it. Charlie yelped in pain, gripping his side with big eyes, not expecting that to happen.

"Oh fuck no." Elle got up and slapped the bully, hard. Nobody touched her best friends like that in front of her.

Before the bully could take a step toward Elle, Tao stormed over to them and crossed his arms like how a protective mother would.

"What's going on?" Tao demanded. He glared at the bully. A crowd had formed around them out of curiosity, hoping for an interesting fight.

"Nothing." The bully rolled his eyes and walked off not wanting to deal with Tao this early in the morning.

"Yeah, that's right." Tao huffed and turned to Elle and Charlie with concern shining in his eyes, "You guys okay?"

"I'm fine," Elle assured and turned to Charlie who was getting up to see if he was as well. "Yeah, I am, Thank you, Tao." He said and gathered his belongings.

"Okay, we better get to form before we're late," Tao said and grabbed the bag that he had dropped as he stormed over.

Elle hugged Charlie and Tao before heading to form as the warning bell went off. She didn't know what she was going to do in Higgs without them.

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